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  6. About opinion open call for participants about partial revision of "laws of law enforcement about mental health and welfare of mentally ill" (end of open call for participants)

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About opinion open call for participants about partial revision of "laws of law enforcement about mental health and welfare of mentally ill" (end of open call for participants)

Last updated on February 5, 2024.

※The call for opinions on this matter has been closed.

Outline of Public Opinion
Project number584
Project namePartial revision of the "Details of the Law Concerning Mental Health and Welfare for the Mentally Handicapped"
Title of rules, etc. to be determinedDetailed rules for Mental Health and Welfare for Mentally Handicapped Persons
Laws and Regulations

Law on Mental Health and Welfare for the Mentally Handicapped
Law Enforcement Order on Mental Health and Welfare for the Mentally Handicapped
Enforcement Regulations on Mental Health and Welfare for the Mentally Handicapped

OverviewRevision of style accompanying partial revision of the Law on Mental Health and Welfare for the Mentally Handicapped
Date of announcement of the proposalMonday, February 5, 2024
Opinion submission periodFrom Monday, February 5, 2024 to Tuesday, March 5, 2024
If the opinion submission period is less than 30 days, the reason

Guidelines for Public Opinion
(How to submit opinions, where to submit, etc.)

Opinion open call for participants (PDF: 173KB)
Opinion submission form (PDF: 182KB)

Proposal and related materials

Detailed Regulations on Mental Health and Welfare for Mentally Handicapped Persons (PDF: 2,796KB)

How to obtain materialsView and distribute at Health and Social Welfare Bureau Mental Health and Welfare Division, City Hall 3F Citizen Information Center and each ward office Public Relations Section
Name of jurisdiction section, etc. (reference)

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Mental Health and Welfare Division
Phone: 045(662)3552
FAX: 045(662)5463
Email address: [email protected]


Reference: Ministerial ordinance on the development and transitional measures of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare-related ministerial ordinance accompanying the enforcement of a law that partially revises the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act (PDF: 237KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Mental Health and Welfare Division

Phone: 045(662)3552

Phone: 045(662)3552

Fax: 045(662)5463

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 810-814-239


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