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- Main initiatives during Suicide Countermeasure Enhancement Month (March)
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Main initiatives during Suicide Countermeasure Enhancement Month (March)
Last updated on March 6, 2025.
―Be aware! Limit sign of body and mind-(Unified slogan for suicide countermeasures campaign in nine prefectures) (* 1)
The Basic Law on Suicide Countermeasures stipulates March, which is a period when the living environment changes drastically and is susceptible to stress, as "Suicide Countermeasures Month."
In Yokohama City, we will also carry out educational activities such as posting videos and lighting up in cooperation with Yokohama Sports Partners (* 2).
※1 Nine prefectures: Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Chiba, Saitama, Sagamihara
※2 Yokohama Sports Partners: This is a cooperative and collaborative system based in Yokohama, with 13 top sports teams in 7 sports: baseball, soccer, futsal, basketball, ice hockey, softball, and rugby.
Initiatives in March 2024
1 Initiatives in collaboration with Yokohama Sports Partners
We will post an enlightenment video about gatekeepers created with the cooperation of YOKOHAMA TKM (Women's Rugby) and Yokohama Excellence (Men's Basketball).
①SNS transmission
■Yokohama City Official YouTube Channel
A video about the role of gatekeepers has been released on the official YouTube channel of Yokohama City. Please take a look.
[YOKOHAMA TKM Edition] A player from the women's rugby team, MATKM, explained the points of the gatekeeper's gatekeeper in a familiar scene.
[Yokohama Excellence] Men's Basketball Team Yokohama Excellence Players told the importance of their own experience Based on their experience gate Based on their experience Between
[15 seconds ver.] YOKOHAMA TKM
[15 seconds ver.] Yokohama Excellence
■Yokohama City Public Relations Division Official X
We send video about role of gatekeeper from Yokohama-shi public information section official X for two consecutive weeks.
Date and time of transmission Wednesday, March 5, 2025 12:00 YOKOHAMA TKM
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 17:00 Yokohama Excellence Edition
②City Hall Digital Signage
We post video about role of gatekeeper for citizen and visitor who came to city hall.
[Pointing Location] 17 digital signages installed in the city hall (2nd basement floor, 1st floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor)
[posting period] ①From Tuesday, March 11, Reiwa 7 to Thursday, March 20, Reiwa 7 YOKOHAMA TKM edition
②From Friday, March 21, Reiwa 7 to Monday, March 31, 1970 Yokohama Excellence
※Other postings will be announced on the website as soon as details are confirmed.
2 Enlightenment through Light Up (co-hosted with Kanagawa Prefecture)
Yokohama-shi Government Building
The Yokohama City Hall will be lit up in "Green" (* 3), a suicide countermeasure color in Kanagawa Prefecture.
※3 In Kanagawa Prefecture, the theme color of suicide countermeasures is "green", which represents "bushed trust" and "recovery of ability to live".
[Lighting location] Yokohama City Hall (6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City)
[Lighting period] From Monday, March 3, Reiwa 7 to Friday, March 7, 18:00 to 22:00
3 Traffic Advertising
Utilizing traffic advertisements, we post video advertisements that encourage consultation with citizens who have the role and worries of gatekeepers.
[Pointing Location] In-vehicle vision of Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue Line Green Line
[posting period] From Monday, March 10, Reiwa 7 to Sunday, March 23, Reiwa 7
4 Radio Broadcasting
Fm yokohama 84.7 "YOKOHAMA My Choice!" Information corner will inform you of suicide countermeasures month and gatekeepers.
[Program name] YOKOHAMA My Choise!
[Broadcast date and time] Sunday, March 16, 2025 09: 30-10: 00
[Program HP] YOKOHAMA My Choice! | Fm yokohama 84.7 (FM Yokohama FM radio frequency 84.7MHz broadcasting station) (outside site)
5 Do you know that middle-aged and older men commit suicide often?
In March, suicide in middle-aged and elderly (40s to 60s) tends to increase. If you continue to have a hard time, you may lose the energy of consulting around you.
The important thing is to notice the surroundings a little discomfort (different from usual).
There may be someone who can support you in your voice.
Enlightenment content (middle-aged and elderly)
6 Everyone is a gatekeeper! -We will train 36,000 gatekeepers by 2028! ~
In Motoichi, we devised "the second Yokohama-shi suicide measures plan" in March, 2024 and, for "realization of society where no one is driven into suicide", 36,000 gatekeepers during plan period We are working on the goal of training.
A "gatekeeper" is a person who notices, speaks, listens, provides necessary support, and watches over the distressed person. The gatekeeper does not need any special qualifications. If the situation is different from usual, such as those who usually meet face-to-face are not well recently.…。
First of all, with courage, "What's wrong?" Try to say, "What happened?" The first step of gatekeepers is to be aware of their worries and listen to them.
The Yokohama City Official YouTube Channel has released a video of "Gatekeeper Training-Gatekeeper Declaration Together". As many citizens as possible have the consciousness as gatekeepers, and since they can do it in their respective positions, it will lead to suicide countermeasures if they are willing to take action.
Please take a look.
"Everybody's Gatekeeper Declaration!" Leaflet (PDF: 594KB)
7 [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare] About public relations efforts in fiscal 2024 (suicide measures)
■Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Public Relations Initiatives for FY2024 (Suicide Countermeasures)
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/hukushi_kaigo/seikatsuhogo/jisatsu/r6_torikumi.html (external site)
■Create a new "Website for calming the mind" page on the "Mamoro Yokokoro" site and introduce "I just need to be hidden" etc.
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/mamorouyokokoro/ochitsukeru/ (external site)
■I talked about it. I was a little relieved. (Video)
(15-second version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzvnvlAsU_g (external site)
(6-second version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZftGlvOhYI (external site)
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