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Provision and benefits to both members

Last updated on June 21, 2023.

From July 2023, Yokohama City will provide 500 yen per hour to both members who have provided assistance activities, in addition to the reward for assistance.

Overview of Benefits, etc.


Since July 2023, in the Yokohama Child Care Support System, support activities conducted by providing members or both members in response to requests from users or both members.

Details of benefits, etc.


A benefit
  The city will pay a 500 yen benefit per hour of aid activities to the providing members or both members who performed the aid activities.
  If the aid activity is less than one hour, the benefit is calculated as one hour's worth, and if there is a fraction exceeding one hour and less than one hour,
 If the fraction is less than 30 minutes, the benefit will be calculated as half price, and if it exceeds 30 minutes, it will be calculated as one hour.


From members


Benefits from the city

Providing Members

Total amount received


In time ※1

Activities for less than one hour
500 yen500 yen1,000 yen

In time ※1

For 90 minutes of activity
750 yen750 yen1,500 yen

Outside hours ※2、 ※3

In the case of 120-minute activity
1,200 yen1,000 yen2,200 yen

In time ※1
Sibling's custody ※4
For 60 minutes of activity

750 yen1,000 yen1,750 yen

※Within 1 hour: Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
※2 Outside hours: Saturday, Sunday, national holidays, New Year's holidays (December 29-January 3) and times other than the above hours
※3 After hours, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, the reward from the user member will be +100 yen. Benefits are 500 yen per hour and 250 yen for 30 minutes. In addition, if one hour from the beginning of azukari straddles 7:00 am or 7:00 pm, it will be an overtime fee.
※4 In the case of custody of siblings, the remuneration (use fee) of the second member from the user member will be half price. Even in this case, the benefit from the city is calculated as 500 yen per hour per child.

(B) Support for Activities
  "Child Sapo de" prescribed in the Yokohama Child Care Support System "Child Sapo de Azuri Trial Ticket" Grant Business Implementation Guidelines
 About assistance activity to receive and perform after receiving "Azukari trial ticket", we pay 1,000 yen per trial ticket from city.
 I'll do it. If you use a trial ticket for 30 minutes beyond one hour, you will be charged 500 yen for each trial ticket.
  In this case, the benefits described above will not be paid.


From members


From the city

 Support for Activities 

Benefits from the city

Providing Members

 Total amount received 


In time ※1
Give me a trial ticket for a 3-hour activity
If you use 3 cards

0 yen3,000 yen0 yen3,000 yen

Outside hours ※2
Give me a trial ticket for 2 hours of activity
If you use 2 cards

200 yen2,000 yen0 yen2,200 yen

In time ※1
Give me a trial ticket for 2 hours of activity
If you use one sheet 

500 yen1,000 yen500 yen2,000 yen

In time ※1
1. Make a trial ticket with a 5-hour activity
If you use 2 cards

0 yen1,500 yen0 yen1,500 yen

※Within 1 hour: Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
※2 Outside hours: Saturday, Sunday, national holidays, New Year's holidays, and times other than the above hours

Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Regional Child Care Support Division

Phone: 045-671-4157

Phone: 045-671-4157

Fax: 045-550-3946

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 416-003-962


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