

The text is from here.

About addition of treatment improvement in 2023 (nursery schools, etc.)

Last updated on November 1, 2024.

Please read the various texts and entry examples and fill out the form.

This page is about the improvement of treatment in FY2023.

Update information

Update details


The form pertaining to the report on the treatment improvement addition I, II, III and staff treatment improvement costs has been posted.
Explanatory text related to the report of treatment improvement etc. is posted.


The style pertaining to the treatment improvement addition I, II, III and the plan for staff treatment improvement expenses have been posted.
Explanatory text related to the plan for additional treatment improvement etc. is posted.


We published style pertaining to application of addition III such as treatment improvement and improvement support expense addition III.
Explanatory text pertaining to the application for treatment improvement addition III and improvement support cost addition III has been posted.
Updated the explanatory text (system) related to treatment improvement additions I, II, III and staff treatment improvement costs.


We published style pertaining to application for addition II such as treatment improvement and staff treatment improvement costs.
Explanatory text pertaining to the application for treatment improvement addition II and staff treatment improvement expenses has been posted.


The form pertaining to the application for additional I, such as treatment improvement, has been posted.
Explanatory text pertaining to the application for treatment improvement etc. has been posted.

Additional treatment improvement, etc. 1.2.3 and staff treatment improvement expenses (common)

1 Plan

When creating, be sure to check "Additional Text Treatment Improvement, etc. in FY2023-Plan Administrative Procedures-" and "Explanation Text Treatment Improvement, etc. in FY2023" Explanation Text Treatment Improvement, List Administrative Procedures".

 ※In recent years, the correction of documents due to failure to create them according to the text, and inquiries about the contents described in the text have increased very much.
  Thank you for your cooperation.


"Addition of 2023 Explanation Text Treatment Improvement-Plan Administrative Procedures-" (PDF: 1,930KB)

"FY2023 Explanation Text Treatment Improvement Addition Plan Training Course List Administrative Procedures" (PDF: 790KB)

"Additional Text Treatment Improvement, etc. for FY2023 I, II, III and Staff Treatment Improvement Expenses-System-(August 2023 version)" (PDF: 2,299KB)

<Deadline for submission>
 Thursday, December 28, 2023

<Submission data>

Additional plan data for treatment improvement in 2023 (Excel: 611KB)

Additional plan data for treatment improvement in 2023 (large-scale version) (Excel: 879KB)
 ⇒Please use large-scale facility version when you correspond to any of the following.
  When the total number of staff at the facility (including those who have not improved wages) exceeds 50
  Treatment improvement addition II (deputy manager, etc.) and the total number of employees eligible for staff treatment improvement expenses exceeds 30
  ※If the large-scale facility version does not have enough lines, please contact the Childcare and Education Benefits Division before creating it.

List of additional training attendance history such as treatment improvement in 2023 (authorized nursery school, community-based childcare business) (Excel: 197KB)

List of course of additional training courses for treatment improvement in FY2023 (Kindergarten, authorized child institution) (Excel: 161KB)

 ⇒If you have applied the treatment improvement addition II, you must submit it.

 ※It is also possible to submit a list of training attendance history (Cabinet Office style) that can be output from kindergarten navigation. Please fill in all the items "occupation type", "job position / position", and "applicable to treatment improvement addition II" and submit it.

Training implementation status report in the park (word: 21KB)

 ⇒Submission is required when a kindergarten / certified child institution lists the training in the training course history list.

[Reference] Treatment improvement, etc. Addition I Estimation Table (Excel file)
Estimation table (by facility type)
Authorized nursery schools (Excel: 156KB)
Authorized nursery school (with branch) (Excel: 164KB)
authorized child institution (Excel: 165KB)
Kindergarten (Excel: 82KB)
Home-based childcare business (Excel: 54KB)
Small-scale childcare business type A, in-house childcare business (Excel: 64KB)
Small-scale childcare business type B (Excel: 70KB)
Small-scale childcare business type C (Excel: 59KB)

<Submission method>
Please log in to the Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification Service from the submission form at the bottom of the page and submit it.

2 Report

When creating, be sure to check "Additional Text Treatment Improvement, etc. for FY2023-Report Administrative Procedures-".

※In recent years, there has been a huge increase in the number of inquiries regarding the correction of documents due to failure to create them according to the text and answers in the text.
 Yes. Thank you for your cooperation.


"Addition of 2023 Explanation Text Treatment Improvement-Report Administrative Procedures-" (PDF: 2,992KB)
"Additional Text Treatment Improvement, etc. for FY2023 I, II, III and Staff Treatment Improvement Expenses-System-(August 2023 version)" (PDF: 2,299KB)

<Deadline for submission>
Friday, November 22, 2024

<Submission data>
Additional report data for treatment improvement in FY2023 (Excel: 590KB)
Additional report data for treatment improvement in 2023 (large-scale facility version) (Excel: 856KB)
⇒Please use large-scale facility version when you correspond to any of the following.
 ・When the total number of staff at the facility (including those who have not improved wages) exceeds 50
 ・Treatment improvement addition II (deputy manager, etc.) and the total number of employees eligible for staff treatment improvement expenses exceeds 30
 ※If the large-scale facility version does not have enough lines, please contact the Childcare and Education Benefits Division before creating it.

List of additional training attendance history for treatment improvement in 2023 (approved nursery schools and community-based nursery schools) (Excel: 205KB)
List of course of additional training courses for treatment improvement in FY2023 (Kindergarten, authorized child institution) (Excel: 148KB)
⇒Submission is required only if there are those who have not yet submitted at the time of planning.
※For the input method, please refer to "2023 Explanation Text Treatment Improvement Addition Plan Training Course List Administrative Procedures" (PDF: 790KB) (at the time of planning). You can also enter the training date from April 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024.

<Submission method>
Please log in to the Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification Service from the submission form at the bottom of the page and submit it.

Improvement of treatment, etc.

1 Application

<Deadline for submission>
Wednesday, April 5, 2023


⇒Yokohama Nursery Room and non-licensed childcare facilities in Yokohama City can be counted from the calculation start reference date to the calculation end date.

<Submission data>
[For New Gardens] Additional treatment improvement, etc. Application data (Excel: 1,716KB)

[For Existing Gardens] Additional treatment improvement application data (Excel: 789KB)

※There are 50 sheets for [new garden] and 20 sheets for [existing garden] for [4 No. 1 style 2 (A vote)”.
 If you have more than 20 existing gardens, please use a new garden.

<Submission method>
I would like presentation from Yokohama-shi electronic application, report service. We do not accept submissions by mail.
We can enter presentation form from "submission form [Yokohama-shi electron, application report service] (outside site)" at the bottom of page.

Additional treatment improvement, etc. II and staff treatment improvement expenses

1 Application

<Deadline for submission>
Thursday, August 10, 2023


<Submission data>

Treatment improvement addition II and staff treatment improvement fee application data (Excel file)
Application data (by facility type)
Nursery school (Excel: 127KB)
Nursery school (with branch) (Excel: 92KB)
authorized child institution (Excel: 118KB)
Kindergarten (Excel: 204KB)
Home-based childcare business (Excel: 72KB)
Small-scale childcare business type A, small-scale childcare business type B, in-house childcare business (Excel: 79KB)
Small-scale childcare business type C (Excel: 92KB)

※In creating the form, there is a column to enter the numbers described in "About the average number of years of experience related to the addition of treatment improvement in 2023 (notification)".
※Please be careful not to make a mistake from the submission form for the treatment improvement addition I.
About presentation of authorization application such as the number of people targeted for addition calculation in 2023 (addition of treatment improvement II and staff treatment improvement costs) (request) (PDF: 217KB)

<Submission method>
I would like presentation from Yokohama-shi electronic application, report service. We do not accept submissions by mail.
We can enter presentation form from "submission form [Yokohama-shi electron, application report service] (outside site)" at the bottom of page.

Treatment improvement addition III and improvement support expenses addition III

1 Application

<Deadline for submission>
Friday, September 8, 2023


<Submission data>

Treatment improvement addition III and improvement support cost addition III application data (Excel file)
Application data (by facility type)
Nursery school (Excel: 68KB)
authorized child institution (Excel: 73KB)
Kindergarten (Excel: 55KB)
Home-based childcare business (Excel: 42KB)
Small-scale childcare business type A, small-scale childcare business type B, in-house childcare business (Excel: 56KB)
Small-scale childcare business type C (Excel: 55KB)

※Please be careful not to mistake it for the submission form of treatment improvement addition I and treatment improvement addition II.
About presentation of authorization application such as the number of people targeted for addition calculation in 2023 (addition of treatment improvement III and addition of improvement support costs III) (PDF: 205KB)
[Nursery school, authorized child institution (No. 2.3), Small-scale childcare business type A and B, in-house childcare business only] Reference Form: Improvement support cost addition III estimation table (Excel: 30KB)

<Submission method>
I would like presentation from Yokohama-shi electronic application, report service. We do not accept submissions by mail.
We can enter presentation form from "submission form [Yokohama-shi electron, application report service] (outside site)" at the bottom of page.

Presentation form [Yokohama-shi electronic, application report service] (outside site)

I would like presentation from Yokohama-shi electronic application, report service.
We do not accept submissions by mail.

Please submit the completed application form below.

Improvement of treatment, etc.

Improvement of treatment, etc. II

And staff treatment improvement expenses

Improvement of treatment, etc. III
And improvement support expenses addition III

Application Form

Treatment 1 Application Form

Treatment 2 Application Form

Treatment 3 Application Form
Please submit the completed data and proof materials below.



Plan data (style)

Certificate of Plan
(List of training attendance history, announcement documents, estimation table, etc.)

Report Report data (outside site)

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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Childcare and Education Department Childcare and Education Benefits Division

Phone: 045-671-0204

Phone: 045-671-0204

Fax: 045-663-1801

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 975-803-230


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