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Recruitment of school lunch cooks (regular staff) in 2021

※Application has been closed.

Last updated on September 21, 2021.

About school lunch cook

Working hours and work locations

At elementary schools and special needs schools in Yokohama City, each school has kitchens, so school lunch cooks will work at each school. Working hours are from 8:00 to 16:45 (one hour is a break), and some staff work in balance with childcare and nursing care.

Work content

School lunches in Yokohama City are implemented 188 times a year as a standard according to the annual plan of each school. One morning in the morning of school lunch, after checking the ingredients delivered to the school, we cook using the facilities and equipment in the school lunch room. In the afternoon, we wash dishes and cans. Since there is no school lunch during the summer, winter and spring breaks, we clean up the school lunch room.

Overview of Application

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