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About the school area special recognition system
Last updated on August 24, 2021.
What is the school district specially recognized school system?
Yokohama City has adopted a school district system that allows students to attend schools designated in Address.
As an exception, the “School Area Specially Approved School System” allows parents to learn elementary school student among the characteristics of the school area specially recognized, and after confirming the school's attendance status through application and interview.
Schools designated as school districts are designated by compulsory education School.
Yokohama-shi attending school area special authorization school system conduct summary (PDF: 217KB)
Operational standards (PDF: 117KB) pertaining to the implementation of a specially recognized school system for school areas
What is compulsory education School?
Due to the revision of the School Education Law in June 2015 (enforced in April 2016), "compulsory education School" was newly added as a school type that provides consistent education in one organization for nine years under one principal.
There are six-year courses equivalent to the elementary school stage and three-year courses equivalent to the junior high school stage.
Conditions for attending school
If you wish to attend school, you must meet all of the following conditions:
(1) elementary school student and their parents live in Yokohama
(2) Parents of elementary school student agree with school of choice's educational policy.
(3) Parents of elementary school student must pay for the cost of attending school in school of choice
(4) elementary school student must go to a specially recognized school for school district until graduation.
(5) elementary school student's ability to commute to a specially recognized school on its own.
(6) elementary school student must spend less than one hour on commuting to a specially recognized school.
※For Nishikanazawa Gakuen, "Up to 1 transfer in principle" will be added to (6).
Procedures for attending school
Once a year, we will recruit about schooling from April of the following year.
※If you enroll in the middle of the year, you will not be able to use the school area specially approved school system.
Step 1
Please check the outline of the school and the characteristics of education on the school website.
Search for school route from home to school and check with your child how much it takes to go to school.
Step 2
Be sure to participate in the school briefing held by the school.
※The “School Area Specially Approved School Enrollment Application Form” submitted to the school when you wish to attend school will be distributed at the school briefing.
※If you are unable to attend the school briefing, please contact the school directly by the date of the event.
Step 3
Please submit the “School Area Specially Approved School Enrollment Application Form” distributed at the school briefing to the school by the application deadline.
Step 4
At the date and time specified by the school, please have an interview with the principal with your child going to school.
Step 5
If the submitted application or interview confirms that all school conditions are met, the principal will approve it.
※The principal of a specially recognized school district may confirm the fact with the school designated by Address.
※If the person who meets the school conditions exceeds the recruitment limit, it will be a public lottery. At that time, we will consider the relationship between brothers and sisters. In addition, if vacancies appear after the lottery, the decision will be made sequentially from the pre-determined substitute.
Step 6
If approved, you will receive a school attendance certificate specially approved for school area.
Please apply for admission at your ward office Family Registry Division Registration Section by the designated date.
※At that time, you will need an application for permission to study outside the designated area and a school attendance certificate specially approved for school area.
※After approving school, unlike the fact of the application, if you confirm that you do not meet the conditions of school, you may cancel your approval.
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