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Search for school areas such as Yokohama municipal elementary and junior high schools

Last updated on April 25, 2022.

Search for school areas such as Yokohama municipal elementary and junior high schools

If you want to search for "Search for schools to study from Address" or "List of school districts by school", you can check this page.
About school area system such as Yokohama municipal elementary and junior high schools, please confirm page of "school area system such as elementary and junior high schools".

※The "List of School Areas by School" (List of Address) can also be found in the attached table below (at the end of the table of contents).
Rules (outside site) regarding the designation of school districts of Yokohama Municipal Elementary Schools, Yokohama City Junior High School and Yokohama City compulsory education School and schools to be enrolled

Please read this.

[School Area]

  • The city of Yokohama is based on the "school district system" in which Address designates schools to attend.
  • Information as of the base date is posted.
  • The school area is subject to change in the future, so please check each time.
  • The residential area is designated based on the Address as shown in the residential area. It is not specified by the lot number (of the land).
  • "End" in the school area refers to the same town, the same lot number, the lot number, the lot number, the branch number, and the house number at the end of the same block.
  • Depending on the school, the school district may straddle the administrative district.
  • As a result of the search, Address, where multiple school names are displayed, has a special adjustment school area. In addition to designated school, you can choose one of the schools designated as enrollment schools.
  • If you live in a special adjustment school area, you will be sent a school of choice questionnaire to your home from the ward office around September for elementary schools and around December for junior high schools. In addition, about one to be moved in, you can choose school at the time of procedure of transference in ward office.
  • If you have any questions, such as when there is no applicable Address, please contact the School Planning Division (bottom page).

[About the school attendance system outside designated district]

If your child has individual circumstances, there is a "designated out-of-area study system" that allows you to go to a school other than the designated school.
Please confirm page of "out-of-designated district attendance system" about reason or procedure corresponding to permission.

Inquiries to this page

Board of Education Secretariat Facility Department School Planning Division

Phone: 045-671-3252

Phone: 045-671-3252

Fax: 045-651-1417

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 836-459-054


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