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anti-crime program check sheet

Last updated on August 5, 2024.

1 Contents and composition of the anti-crime program Check Sheet

elementary school student is composed of three types: elementary school 1, 2, 3 grades, elementary school 4, 5, and 6 grades, and junior high school students.

  • [anti-crime program Check Sheet]
    This sheet contains questions about how to deal with emergencies and maps to write down the security information necessary for school roads.
  • [Explanation of anti-crime program check sheet for parents]
    I will explain the use of anti-crime program check sheet at home and the points of instruction.

2 Purpose of the anti-crime program Check Sheet

1 elementary school student students and their parents will be able to walk along the area and school roads, check places to be careful and houses of acquaintances, and create maps to provide opportunities for elementary school student students to learn practical anti-crime program actions.

2 We value the time for discussions between elementary school student students and their parents at home and check the behavior of anti-crime program. By confirming the way of thinking, promise of action, and how to contact the home, etc. according to the place, it is useful to avoid danger.

3 Raising the fear of elementary school student students in mischief is not the purpose of anti-crime program education. Through concrete knowledge of anti-crime program activities to protect elementary school student students conducted by local communities and schools, students will learn the importance of making use of them safely and cooperating with local communities.

※In light of changing social conditions, we have revised the anti-crime program Check Sheet. (Revised in November 2015)
Request for use of the anti-crime program Educational Learning Materials “anti-crime program Check Sheet (revised version)” (PDF: 310KB)

"anti-crime program Check Sheet"

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Board of Education Secretariat School Education Planning Department Elementary and Junior High School Planning Division

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