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Education Counseling

We accept consultations on education (truancy, friendship, learning, career, overseas transfer, etc.).

Last updated on November 12, 2024.

Education Counseling Business

General education consultation

Telephone consultation

We accept consultations on elementary and junior high school students' problems in school life, such as truancy, friendship, learning, career, and sexual harassment.

  • From 9:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays and transfer holidays)
  • Phone: 045-624-9414

Specialized consultation

Psychological consultation (interview, telephone reservation required)

We accept consultations on the psychology of your child.

  • From 9:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays and transfer holidays)
  • For more information, please consult with your school counselor.

Medical consultation (interview, telephone reservation required)

We accept consultations on your child's medical care.

For more information, please consult with your school counselor.

24-hour child SOS dial

For children living and studying in the city and their parents, counselors think together about bullying, problems and worries.
Full year (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
Phone: 0120-078310 (toll-free number)

※Bullying No. 110 has been renamed to SOS dial 24 hours a day.
 Please be careful not to call bullying 110 Phone number (0120-671-388).

School life relief dial (bullying complaint window)

I'm worried about bullying and truancy, but it's hard to talk to school.…。 In such a case, don't hold it alone, please call me. School social workers think together about what to do.

  • Phone: 045-624-9081
  • Date of establishment: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (consultation may be closed during the year-end and New Year holidays)
  • Opening time: From 9 o'clock to 17 o'clock
  • Target: elementary school student students and their parents who attend schools in Yokohama City

Education Counseling by a school counselor

School counselors, qualified mental specialists such as clinical psychologists, visit schools about one day a week to provide advice to elementary school student students, parents and teachers about violence, truancy, bullying, etc.

  • Placed school: All schools of municipal elementary, middle and compulsory education schools, high schools, and some schools of special needs schools

Click here for more information about school counselors.

Other consultation desks, consulting agencies, etc.

Major public institutions in Yokohama City provide consultation on issues related to the education of children's truancy, withdrawal, delinquency, education of infants and elementary school student students with disabilities, and matters related to mental and physical development.

Consultation counter leaflet about child care (PDF: 2,656KB)

Consultation card (for elementary school student) (PDF: 704KB)

Consultation card (for students) (PDF: 794KB)

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