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2015 municipal school present situation
Last updated on May 1, 2024.
1 Overview
2 Elementary schools
(1)Classes by Administrative District and Number of elementary school student
(2)returning students from abroad, Foreign National elementary school student Number of Long-Term Absent elementary school student Number of Reasons (PDF: 116KB)
(3)Class 1 Class elementary school student Number of Classes by Administrative District
(4)Number of faculty members by administrative division
(5)Number of staff, school doctors, etc. by administrative division (PDF: 116KB)
(6)Number of Classes by School, elementary school student, Main Teachers (PDF: 212KB)
(7)Number of elementary school student Individual Support Classes by School (PDF: 160KB)
3 Junior High School
(1)Classes and Number of Students by Administrative District
(2)Number of returning students from abroad, Number of Foreign Students, elementary school student Long-Term Absent by Reason (PDF: 137KB)
(3)Number of Classes by Administrative District
(4)Number of faculty members by administrative division
(5)Number of staff, school doctors, etc. by administrative division (PDF: 126KB)
(6)Number of Classes, Students, and Senior Teachers by School (PDF: 147KB)
(7)Individual support classes and number of students by school (PDF: 145KB)
4 High School
5 Special Needs Schools
6 Appendix
Collective download
Municipal school present situation-as of May 1, 2015-(PDF: 990KB)
This municipal school present situation was recorded based on 2015 municipal school fact-finding that we carried out as of May 1, 2015.
Of the statistical tables, "-" is 0 (zero) or non-applicable, "…"I don't get a numerical value because it's not a survey target.
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