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Transportation Bureau Public Money Management Committee

Last updated on January 14, 2022.

Composition of Committee Members

In response to the “Bus Sales Inconsistencies Problem”, the “Public Money Management Survey Improvement Committee” was changed to the “Public Money Management Committee”, and a new system was established and the role of the committee was clarified. I am active.


The Committee checks the results of voluntary inspections conducted at bus sales offices, subway station offices, and central government offices and checks the status of implementation of improvement measures, points out problems and instructs improvement measures from an independent standpoint. I will do it. In addition, regarding the manuals related to the management of public money, etc. used by the authorities, we will confirm that the prescribed contents do not differ from the actual situation, and instruct the revision of the manuals as necessary.

Committee meetings

It will be held every two months.

Inquiries to this page

Safety Management Division, Transportation Bureau Safety Management Department

Phone: 045-671-3173

Phone: 045-671-3173

Fax: 045-322-3911

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