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Are Address and others properly notified?

Last updated on December 23, 2024.

The resident certificate records information about residents, such as name, date of child birth, gender, Address, and relationship with the head of the household, and serves as a basis for administrative services such as National Health Insurance, National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) and Children's Allowance. Therefore, if this information is not properly recorded, you may not be able to receive various services quickly.
If you move to Address by moving, you must notify the ward office Family Registry Division immediately. If you do not record resident certificate at your current address or if your resident certificate record has been deleted, you will need the correct resident certificate record in Address.
Victims of spousal violence, stalking, etc. may apply certain restrictions on requests for copies of resident certificate, etc. upon request, so please consult with the ward office Family Registry Division.
For birth registration form and death registration/death notification form, notification period is stipulated by law, so please contact your ward office Family Registry Division for details.
■Details of various systems■

Inquiries to this page

[Contact for notification of change of residents]

[Creation section of this page] Service Section, Civic Affairs Bureau Service Department

Phone: 045-671-2176

Phone: 045-671-2176

Fax: 045-664-5295

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 611-708-040


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