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Business tax

Last updated on December 13, 2024.

Business tax is a purpose tax established to cover the costs required for the improvement and improvement of the urban environment in large cities. Taxes are levied in cities of a certain size or more (population of 300,000 or more), including Yokohama City. “Guide to Office Tax”
Please see this page about extension of deadlines such as report of city tax pertaining to 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake, payment.

Please use a convenient electronic filing to submit a tax return.

Please use the eLTAX electronic filing service that is easy and convenient for filing business tax. It is also possible to file with an Excel file or PDF file attached. As for the details about electronic report of city tax, please see page of "electronic report of city tax".
In the case of mailing, please send a declaration stating required items to the taxation section of Finance Bureau where you submit it.

Submission of office tax declarations, etc.

Corporate Taxation Division, Corporate Taxation Division, Yokohama City Finance Bureau
〒231-8312 Sangyo Boeki Cebter Bldg. Building 5F, 2-2 Yamashitacho, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Telephone 045-671-4491
Please see page of "style, guide (thing about establishment tax)" about how to make report, downloading of report.

Office tax Q&A

Please refer to the “Business Tax Q & A” page for details of business tax frequently asked.

Overview of Office Taxes

Overview of Office Taxes
CategoryAsset allocationEmployee Discount
TaxableBusinesses conducted by corporations or individuals at offices, offices, etc. (offices, stores, factories, etc.)

Corporations or individuals conducting business in offices, offices, etc. (offices, stores, factories, etc.)

Tax standard

Total floor area of office houses used for offices and offices

Total employee salary paid to employees of business establishments, etc. during the calculation period of the tax standard

Calculation method and tax rate

600 yen per m2

0.25/100 of the total employee salary

Tax exemption point

Total city office floor area (excluding tax-exempt portion) 1,000m2 or less※

Total number of employees in the city (excluding those related to tax exemption) 100 or less※

Reporting destination

Corporate Taxation Division, Corporate Taxation Division, Finance Bureau

Deadline payment deadline

・Corporate…Within 2 months from the end of the fiscal year, individuals…Until March 15 of the following year

※Ordinance declaration

Even if the tax exemption point is below the tax exemption point, if the floor area of the office is more than 700 m2 or the number of employees is more than 700 m2 as of the last day of the calculation period of the tax standard, you must declare the required items on the declaration form (no payment is required). Declaration Forms and Payment Forms

Flow of declaration of office tax

Business tax flowchart

New establishment and abolition declaration

If you have newly established or abolished offices in Yokohama City, please submit a new establishment or abolition report to the Finance Bureau Corporate Taxation Division Office Tax Section. New establishment and abolition declaration 

Loan declaration

If you are lending a business house to a taxpayer of business tax, within one month from the date of the loan, please submit a declaration stating the floor area of the business house and other required items to the Finance Bureau Corporate Taxation Division Business Tax Section. Loan declaration

Reduction and exemption of establishment tax due to disaster (house damage due to disaster)

If it is recognized that the business that was being conducted in the business house has been suspended for more than 15 days due to the damage of the business house due to the disaster, the floor area equivalent to the business house used for the business that was suspended may be reduced or exempted depending on the period of suspension of the business. As for the details, please see about reduction of establishment tax by disaster (PDF: 93KB). Application for reduction of taxes
※Disasters are caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms and floods, lightning strikes, and avalanches.

Where to submit the declaration

Submission of office tax declarations, etc. 
Corporate Taxation Division, Corporate Taxation Division, Yokohama City Finance Bureau
〒231-8312 Sangyo Boeki Cebter Bldg. Building 5F, 2-2 Yamashitacho, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Telephone 045-671-4491
※The Corporate Taxation Division moved to the Sangyo Boeki Cebter Bldg. Building (2 Yamashitacho, Naka-ku) on December 14, 2020. In addition, there is no private parking lot where the parking fee is reduced.

Income and Use of Office Taxes

Looking at the 2024 budget of Yokohama City, the amount of business tax revenue in 2024 was 19.4 billion yen (budget amount), and the amount of business tax revenue was for maintenance projects such as educational facilities, subways, rivers and waterways. It has been allocated to

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Inquiries to this page

Corporate Taxation Division, General Tax Department, Finance Bureau

Phone: 045-671-4491

Phone: 045-671-4491

Fax: 045-210-0481

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 739-585-874


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