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I want to know how to pay the city tax

Last updated on June 18, 2024.

Payment method of city tax

The payment method that can be used varies depending on the tax item and the type of payment slip, so please prepare the payment slip at hand and check the available payment methods.

Individual municipal tax, prefectural tax, forest environmental tax (normal collection)

List of payment methods for personal municipal tax, prefectural tax, and forest environmental tax (normal collection)
Payment method Overview What is required for payment procedures Issuance of receipts
Smartphone payment (barcode reading) Read the barcode on the payment slip and pay with the corresponding application (such as pay). Payment slip with barcode None
Smartphone payment (eL-QR reading) Read the eL-QR on the payment slip and pay with the corresponding application (such as pay) Payment slip with eL-QR
※In some cases, settlement fees may be charged.
Credit card Access local tax payment site and pay by credit card

Payment slip with "payment number" printed

E-Mail address

System usage fee


Payment by Internet banking and ATMs

Payment slip with "payment number" printed None
Payee (Local Tax Payment Site) Access local tax payment sites and pay via Internet banking or ATMs. Payment slip with "payment number" printed
E-Mail address
Fund transfer (Yokohama-shi city tax fund transfer) Continue to pay by automatic debit from the account of the designated financial institution on the due date. Application for Yokohama City Tax Fund Transfer None
Fund transfer (local tax payment site) Access the local tax payment site and pay by direct debit from the account of the designated financial institution each time. Payment slip with "payment number" printed
Acquisition of eLTAX User ID
Convenience stores, etc. Payment will be made at the convenience store window Payment slip with barcode Yes
Financial institutions and post offices Payment will be made at financial institutions and post offices Payment slip Yes

Image of personal municipal tax, prefectural tax, forest environmental tax (normal collection) payment notice

Image of personal municipal tax, prefectural tax (ordinary collection) payment notice

①Payment slips with "payment number", "confirmation number" and "payment category" printed can be paid by page, credit card, or fund transfer (direct payment).
②Payment slips with barcodes can be paid at smartphone payments (barcode reading) and convenience stores.
③Payment slips with eL-QR printed can be paid by smartphone payment (eL-QR reading). In addition, you can use eL-QR when paying by credit card or fund transfer (direct payment).

[Note] If the number or code used in each payment method is not printed on the payment slip, payment cannot be made by the payment method.

Property tax, city planning tax (land and houses), property tax (depreciable assets)

Image of property tax, city planning tax (land / house) payment notice

Image of payment notice of property tax

①Payment slips with "payment number", "confirmation number" and "payment category" printed can be paid by page, credit card, or fund transfer (direct payment).
②Payment slips with barcodes can be paid at smartphone payments (barcode reading) and convenience stores.
③Payment slips with eL-QR printed can be paid by smartphone payment (eL-QR reading). In addition, you can use eL-QR when paying by credit card or fund transfer (direct payment).

[Note] If the number or code used in each payment method is not printed on the payment slip, payment cannot be made by the payment method.

light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) (by type)

Payment method for light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) (by type)
Payment method Overview What is required for payment procedures Issuance of receipts
Smartphone payment (barcode reading) Read the barcode on the payment slip and pay with the corresponding application (such as pay). Payment slip with barcode None
Smartphone payment (eL-QR reading) Read the eL-QR on the payment slip and pay with the corresponding application (such as pay)

Payment slip with eL-QR
※In some cases, settlement fees may be charged.

Credit card Access the local tax payment site, read the eL-QR printed on the payment slip or enter the “payment number” and pay by credit card.

Payment slip with "payment number" printed

E-Mail address
Pazy Payment by Internet banking and ATMs Payment slip with "payment number" printed None
Payee (Local Tax Payment Site) Payment is made via Internet banking or ATMs using local tax payment sites

Payment slip with "payment number" printed
E-Mail address

Fund transfer (local tax payment site)

Payment is made by direct debit from the account of the designated financial institution each time using the local tax payment site.
[Note] It is not a method of continuing to pay by automatic debit from the account of the designated financial institution.

Payment slip with "payment number" printed
Acquisition of eLTAX User ID

Convenience stores, etc. Payment will be made at the convenience store window Payment slip with barcode Yes
Financial institutions and post offices Payment will be made at financial institutions and post offices Payment slip Yes

Image of payment slip light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) (by type)

light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei)'s payment slip

①Payment slips with "payment number", "confirmation number" and "payment category" printed can be paid by page, credit card, or fund transfer (direct payment).

②Payment slips with barcodes can be paid at smartphone payments (barcode reading) and convenience stores.

③Payment slips with eL-QR printed can be paid by smartphone payment (eL-QR reading). In addition, you can use eL-QR when paying by credit card or fund transfer (direct payment).

[Note] If the number or code used in each payment method is not printed on the payment slip, payment cannot be made by the payment method.

Payment methods for municipal tax, prefectural tax, forest environmental tax (special collection), municipal tax, prefectural tax (Retirement income), corporate municipal tax, and office tax

Payment methods for municipal tax, prefectural tax, forest environmental tax (special collection), municipal tax, prefectural tax (Retirement income), corporate municipal tax, and office tax
Payment method Overview What is required for payment procedures Issuance of receipts
Local tax common tax payment system Using the local tax portal site "eLTAX" operated by the Local Tax Cooperation Agency, a system that allows electronic tax payments to all prefectures and municipalities from personal computers at home or at work. Start procedure for using eLTAX None
Financial institutions and post offices Payment methods at financial institutions and post offices Payment and delivery documents Yes

Inquiries to this page

Finance Bureau Chief Tax Department Collection Measures Section

Phone: 045-671-2255

Phone: 045-671-2255

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 273-935-148


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