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About review of seal signature to applications about city tax

Last updated on April 1, 2021.

About application about city tax, we review handling of seal signature.

Details of the review

Applicable procedures

From April 1, 2021, there is no need to sign a seal application form, etc.

How to fill out the application form

seal will fill out an application form that does not require a signature only.

  • Signatures include prints, rubber stamps and stamps, as well as self-writing.
  • Even if there is a "mark" in the form such as the application form, it can be used as it is.
  • For information on individual procedures, please contact the reception section of each procedure.

About seal Signature of Tax Certification Application

When applying for certification for city taxes, seal does not need to sign the certification application if an individual (person) applies.
When applying for a corporation, a representative seal of the corporation is required for identity verification.
In the case where proxy/agent applies on behalf of the principal, a self-signed letter of attorney (the taxpayer) or seal (in the case of a corporation, seal) is required to confirm the relationship between the delegates.
In addition, please refer to the "How to apply for each tax certification" page for items required for billing.

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Inquiries to this page

Taxation Section, General Tax Department, Finance Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2252

Phone: 045-671-2252

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 979-979-040


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