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  5. Public comment conduct result about the way such as ward Government building parking lots

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Public comment conduct result about the way such as ward Government building parking lots

Last updated on July 22, 2024.

The parking lot is crowded depending on the day of the week and time of day, such as when Vaccinations and infant health checkups are conducted or when entertainment is held at the adjacent public hall. Some people can use it outside the ward office.
Therefore, from the viewpoint of fairness with people who use public transportation, beneficiary burden and appropriate use of parking lot and promotion of effective utilization, about the way of ward government building parking lots, etc. We are doing this, and from March 7, 2008 to April 8, 2008, we will widely solicit opinions from citizens about the future of ward government building parking lots and charging parking lots Therefore, we implemented public comment. 
We would like to inform you that the results of the project have been finalized.
Thank you very much for your valuable opinions in implementing the public comment.

・Press release on June 30, 2008
We announce conduct result of public comment "about the way such as ward Government building parking lots"! (PDF:890KB)

1 Results of public comment

Results of Public Comments (PDF: 6,788KB)

Opinion offer brochure (PDF: 423KB) (※ We are not currently soliciting opinions.)


Implementation period

From Friday, March 7, 2008 to Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Question items

"Opinions and suggestions on charging as future ward government building parking lots, etc."

How to distribute pamphlets

Direct distribution to visitors from each ward office, each ward office Public Relations Section, etc.
PR box, citizen vitality promotion station area facility section, administrative administration coordination bureau General Affairs Division,
Citizen information centers, etc.

Number of copies distributed

Approx. 14,200 copies

How to submit opinions

Postcards, facsimiles, e-mails, etc. attached to pamphlets

Total number of applications

520 copies

2 Related Links

Ward government building parking lot, etc. round-table conference

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Inquiries to this page

Regional Facilities Division, Civic Affairs Bureau Ward Administration Support Department

Phone: 045-671-2326

Phone: 045-671-2326

Fax: 045-664-5295

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 228-306-974


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