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Useful information for volunteer activities

Last updated on July 11, 2024.

Get knowledge of reading activities

Please refer to volunteer activities in schools and communities.

Reading aloud (PDF: 2,280KB)
We publish story-telling volunteer handbook "let's spread the world of book" distributed in library.
Children's song, hand play song
This video introduces children's songs and hand play songs that can be used at the storytelling party.
In addition, reference books are also introduced.
Book talk
About book talks that convey the fun of books to children
This section introduces how to create scenarios and reference books.
A video of the demonstration by the librarian is also posted.
Book repair (PDF: 855KB)
The text used in the library repair course is posted.

Yokohama City Library Volunteer E-mail Magazine

We have been distributing the City Library Volunteer E-mail Magazine since October 2014. Every month we deliver events and information about City Library that are useful for local volunteer activities such as reading stories, book repair, and library maintenance. Please use it for your activities.
You can register (outside site) here.

Find a place of activity

Yokohama-shi citizen collaboration promotion center
Based on the collaboration between citizens and Yokohama City, the Yokohama City Citizens' Collaboration Promotion Center is a place for dialogue and creation in which exchanges and cooperation between various actors are born in order to solve various issues in the area and create new approaches. We develop each business as place and promote approach of "collaboration" in the city.
In addition, Yokohama-shi social movement support center finished business on March 31, 2020. For new business, please confirm the above-mentioned "Yokohama-shi citizen collaboration promotion center".
Citizens' Activities Support Centers in each ward
In order to support social activities in familiar areas, the social activities support centers in each ward carry out distinctive businesses.
We perform detailed support that was close to area while planning cooperation with "citizen collaboration promotion center".

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