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Information on mobile library "Hamakaze-go" X (former Twitter)

Last updated on May 22, 2024.

About Hamakaze X (former Twitter)

The mobile library "Hamakaze-go" X (former Twitter) account provides daily operation information and event information.
If you have an account, please follow us.

Operation Policy

Operation Policy
Account name@lib_hamakaze (Hamakaze (Yokohama City Mobile Library))
Account URL (external site)
Contents of transmissionYokohama-shi mobile library sends service information and event information of Makaze-go.
  • Usage Guide
  • Operation information
  • Event Information

Operational Manager

Board of Education Secretariat Chuo-toshokan Service Manager
SenderBoard of Education Secretariat Chuo-toshokan Service Division
Whether or not to followAs a general rule, it will not be possible. However, we will only follow the official accounts of Motoichi official accounts and other public institutions.
Management of replies

(1) Whether there is a replies (replies)
This account is managed by Chuo-toshokan Service Division, City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat Office. In principle, we do not reply to this account. Opinions and proposals to Yokohama City, including this section, will be accepted at "Suggestions from Citizens (".
(2) Response to replies (replies)
In the operation of this account, replies (replies) that are not related to the outgoing information and replies (replies) that are determined to fall under the following items may be hidden without notice. In addition, we may report to Company X (formerly Twitter).

 (A) Content that violates laws, regulations, etc. or is likely to violate

 B. Anything that violates public order and morals

 C. Political and religious activities

 (D) Those that promote criminal acts

 (E) Those that promote discrimination or discrimination in race, thought, beliefs, etc.

 F) Slander a specific individual, company, organization, etc., or damage honor or credibility

 (G) Those that infringe on privacy, such as identifying, disclosing, or leaking personal information without the consent of the individual

 (C) Those that infringe on the patent rights, design rights, copyrights, trademark rights, portrait rights, etc. of the city or a third party

 (C) Advertising, advertising, solicitation, business activities, and other commercial purposes

 Co., impersonating other users or third parties

 (S) False or remarkably different from facts, and those that promote mere rumors and rumors

 Comments with the same content that are repeatedly posted by the same user

 Hazardous programs, etc.

 Including obscene expressions etc.

 (S) Alteration of part or all of the contents transmitted by this section

 TAX (formerly Twitter) Terms of Service

 (i) Other information deemed inappropriate by Yokohama City and links containing these contents.
(3) About blocking accounts
Users who post replies or quotes that fall under any of the above a to c may block their accounts.


(1) Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information transmitted through this account, Yokohama City assumes no responsibility for any actions performed by users using the information transmitted through this account. .

(2) Yokohama City is not responsible for any troubles or damages caused by the information sent through this account between users and third parties.

(3) Yokohama City is not responsible for replies (replies) to this account posted by users.

(4) Yokohama City is not responsible for any damages arising in connection with this account.

Changes in Operation PolicyThe operation policy of this account is subject to change without prior notice.
Start date of useMarch 1, 2022
End of publication of the account

This account may be closed or closed without notice in advance.

How to view

The content (tweets) you sent can be viewed on the following site.
Hamakaze X (former Twitter) page (outside site)

Inquiries to this page

Board of Education Secretariat Chuo-toshokan Service Division

Phone: 045-262-0050

Phone: 045-262-0050

Fax: 045-231-8299

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 473-078-021


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