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The theme exhibition on the 3rd floor

Last updated on March 11, 2025.


Suicide Countermeasures-Living / Connecting-Supporting Yokohama

March is a time when the living environment often changes, such as graduation and relocation. Changes in the environment can also affect the anxiety and worries you have.
This month, we collected related books during the Suicide Countermeasure Month.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of March 2025 (planned)

★(Cooperation) Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division, Health and Welfare Division★
  Link to the web page of "Suicide Countermeasures-Living / Connecting-Supporting Yokohama"


I will prepare for my future (will, inheritance, adult guardianship)

We collected books on themes of particular interest to senior generations, such as wills, inheritance, and adult guardianship systems.
In addition to books that will help you choose to prepare for the future that suits you, books that are useful for your family, such as nursing care and cleaning up your parents' home, are also on display.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of February 2025 (planned)

★(Cooperation) Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division★
  Link to the web page of "Hodogaya Ward Ending Note"

◆Announcement of related events◆
 Link to the web page of "Lecture for the Future by Administrative Scriveners" Course "

January, 2025

Hodogaya Library 2024 Selection

A book selected from the new book of 2024 from the museum's collection is on display.
All of them are still shiny! Maybe you can find that book you were interested in?
Please use it to accompany the beginning of the New Year.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of January 2025 (planned)


I mourn him, remember him.

2024 is finally the last month.
We collect and display the works of those who have died this year and related books.
Why don't you think about the words and ways of life that have been left?

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of December 2024 (planned)


Know and taste locally grown and consumed

November is Reading Activity Promotion Month & locally grown and consumed Month!
"locally grown and consumed" refers to the consumption of agricultural and livestock products produced in the region.
Various vegetables are made in Hodogaya Ward, and the ward is also working on locally grown and consumed.
Based on that, we collected books on dishes using vegetables, vegetable making, agriculture, and food culture.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of November 2024 (planned)

★(Cooperation) Hodogaya Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division★
 Link to the page of Hodogaya Ward Office "November is locally grown and consumed Month & Reading Activity Promotion Month!"


Hodogaya-ku Reading Book Activity Promotion Lecture Lecture Lecturer Ryo Tenne related book exhibition

On Sunday, December 1, 2024, we will hold a lecture on promoting reading activities in Hodogaya Ward:public hall, Hodogaya. Along with the lecture, we collected books by the lecturer Ryo Amane and books that can read unrecorded works.
In addition, this time, Mr. Tenne chose 10 recommended books, and commented on why that book was recommended. You can also see these books and comments at the exhibition corner.
Please come and visit us and participate in the lecture.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of October 2024 (planned)

★For details on how to apply for a lecture, please see the following web page.
 Link to page of Hodogaya Ward Reading Activity Promotion Business


2024 Hodogaya Ward Dementia Lecture “Let's Get Dementia” Related Book Exhibition

On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, "Hodogaya Ward Dementia Lecture" Let's Get Dementia "" will be held at public hall Hodogaya.
We collect related books on dementia at the time of the lecture and display them together with related leaflets.
Please take a look at this opportunity.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of September 2024 (planned)

 ★(Cooperation) Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division★


At least cool

Why don't you cool down in the book world as the heat continues even harder than usual?
Books from South Pole and Arctic, books on cold food and drink such as beer and ice cream, ghosts with cold backs and youkai books.
I collected a variety of "cooling books".

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of August 2024 (planned)


To the sea in the book

The third Monday of July is Sea Day.
Why don't you feel cool in the "sea in the book" this summer, when severe heat is expected?

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of July 2024 (planned)


Think about the flow of time.

June 10th is "Time Anniversary". Hundred years have already passed since 1920, when the anniversary was established.
In a busy day, I collected such a book that reminds me of time and calendar again.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of June 2024 (planned)


Nutrition and Science

One month after the start of the new year, it is a time when the seasons tend to be tired.
Because of that time, we collected books written from a scientific point of view about "nutrition", which is indispensable for every day.
We offer a wide range of books, such as books and recipe books that explain "What is nutrition in the first place?", to specialized books on systems such as component labeling. Please take a look at it.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of May 2024 (planned)


Exhibition of books related to the 8th Yokohama Triennale "Wild grass: I live here now"

"Yokohama Triennale" is an international exhibition of contemporary art held in Yokohama once every three years.
Since the first exhibition (2001), we have set different themes each time, exhibiting works of internationally active artists, and introducing emerging artists. This month, we collected books on art, contemporary art, wildflowers, etc. according to the first theme currently being held.

The 8th Yokohama Triennale Official Homepage

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of April 2024 (planned)


I don't wake up Akira Shunmin… A book

It gradually gets warmer and doesn't want to get out of a comfortable bed.……The season when there are many days when you feel like that.
This month, after such cheerfulness, we collected books related to sleep, dreams, bedding, etc.
In addition to this, there are also literary works that use keywords such as "sleeping" and "dreams".
Please enjoy reading in a slimy environment.♪

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of March 2024 (planned)


I'm going to take care of myself!

I'm busy at the beginning of the year. I should have done my best at the end of the year, but it's already scattered.……?
When January is over, it may be a good idea to sort out things around you now.
This month, I would like to introduce some books that may be useful in such a case.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of February 2024 (planned)

January, 2024

I'm going to think about it as a family

Here are some books that can be helpful when writing an ending note, organizing things around you, and thinking about legal matters.
Looking back on your life so far, why don't you think about "future" such as what you like, what you want to do, and what you want to do at such times? I don't know the future.……That's why it's also important to organize and convey your thoughts.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of January 2024 (planned)

 ★(Co-sponsored) Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division★
 Link to the web page of "Hodogaya Ward Ending Note"


Lecture on Promotion of Reading Activities in Hodogaya Ward <Lecturer>

We collected related books by Kotaro Sawaki, a lecturer at the 2023 Hodogaya Ward Reading Activity Promotion Lecture "Traveling Time and Time: From Tibet to Jiangsu-". In addition to travelogues, reportages, novels and essays, it is an exhibition of books of a wide range of genres, from photo books, translation books, and picture books. Please take it by all means and enjoy the trajectory of the instructor's wide range of activities.

<Exhibition Period> Until Sunday, December 24, 2023

★The lecture will be held on Saturday, January 27, 2024. We are currently accepting applications!
 For details on how to apply, please refer to the following web page.
 Link to page of Hodogaya Ward Reading Activity Promotion Business

October and November

Town development that can continue to live with a smile (living and disaster prevention)

In order to prepare for a natural disaster that you do not know when it will happen, it is important that not only the government but also the residents have the consciousness of "protecting one's own life". Do you not think about disaster risk of town to live so that we perform check, measures of house on a daily basis and can take evacuation action at your own discretion? In addition to panels and hazard map in Hodogaya Ward, we collect and display books on related topics. Check it out!

<Exhibition period> Until the end of November 2023 (planned) (* Panels and hazard map exhibit until Sunday, November 19).

★(Cooperation) Housing and Architecture Bureau Building Disaster Prevention Section★

Do you know about the water supply? (City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau International Contribution: 50 Years)

The water supply essential to our lives.
City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau, which manages the water supply, is making use of its technology and experience cultivated over its long history to contribute to the international community.
Since 1973 (Showa 48), we have been working on solving water problems in developing countries such as Asia and Africa, and this year marks the 50th anniversary of this year.
On this occasion, a book on water supply, international cooperation, international contributions, etc. will be exhibited along with a panel introducing the water supply business in Yokohama City.

<Exhibition period> Until Tuesday, October 17, 2023

 ★(Cooperation) Water Works Bureau Public Relations Section / Nakamura Waterworks Office★
  For more information about Water Works Bureau's international contribution projects, please visit the following web page. 
  Water Works Bureau's 50th Anniversary of International Contribution to Water Works Bureau
  Links to Water Works Bureau's "International Contribution Initiatives" webpage


Let's live together with dementia

September is World Alzheimer's Month. In Hodogaya Ward, we support individuals and caregivers, promote local monitoring, and cooperate with medical and nursing care so that people can continue to live with peace of mind in a familiar area even if they have dementia.
The exhibition in September collected a variety of books on dementia. Why don't you take this opportunity to learn about dementia and think about it?

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of September 2023 (planned)

 ★(Cooperation) Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division★
  On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the Hodogaya Ward Dementia Lecture will be held at public hall Hodogaya.

Photos of the theme exhibition in September 2023


A scary story for adults

On a hot summer day, the spine gets cool.……I would like to introduce such a book.
I collected a wide range of ghost stories from the east and west of Kokin, urban legends, horror novels, their research books and related books.
Please enjoy yourself after taking measures against heat stroke.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of August 2023 (planned)


Let's get close to nature in the field

We collect books on outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and camping for summer holidays.
I will introduce it along with books that call attention to dangers such as heat stroke.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of July 2023 (planned)


Health promotion starting with food

June is Food Education Month.
Books on food education and nutrition, books on food useful for health, books on Japanese food, etc.
We have collected books that will help you think about your daily diet and food culture.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of June 2023 (planned)


Every thing has a history

Everything in the world has a history.
We have collected books that trace history from various fields.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of May 2023 (planned)

Photos of the theme exhibition in May


I've collected a book.

We collected "books written about books" such as reading guides, book guides, and book reviews.
Recommended for those who are wondering what kind of book to read, or those who want to read books that they don't usually read!

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of April 2023 (planned)


To you in a new life

It's time for many people, from children to adults, to live in a new environment.
We collect and introduce books that support new life in various situations, from schools and companies to homes.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of March 2023 (planned)


Would you like something sweet?

Here are some sweets and drinks that you can enjoy when you take a break during this cold season.
Please enjoy delicious sweets and tea in the book through reading.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of February 2023 (planned)

Photographs of the theme exhibition in February

January, 2023

The World of Beertrics Potters

This year's zodiac sign is a rabbit. There are many picture books with rabbits as the main character, but many people probably know Peter Rabbit's Story. This month, I would like to introduce the related books of the author, Beertrics Potter (1866-1943).

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of January 2023 (planned)

Photos of the theme exhibition in January

December, 2022

I mourn him, remember him.

Reiwa 4 (2022) is finally the last month.
For those who left the world this year, we collect and display their respective works and related books.
Why don't you think about the words and ways of life that have been left?

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of December 2022 (planned)


I'm going to think about it as a family

In the November exhibition, we will introduce books that can be helpful when writing ending notes, organizing things around you, and thinking about legal matters.
Looking back on your life so far, why don't you think about "future" such as what you like, what you want to do, and what you want to do at such times? I don't know the future.……That's why it's also important to organize and convey your thoughts.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of November 2022 (planned)

 ★(Co-sponsored) Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division★
 Link to the web page of "Hodogaya Ward Ending Note"


Lecture 40th Anniversary Lecture Lecturer Mio Nukaga related book exhibition

Lecture on the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Hodogaya Library (Hodogaya Ward Reading Activity Promotion Lecture) "Why is that person's sentence interesting?" Will be exhibited.
In addition to exhibiting books related to the theme of each work, the cover of the work will be introduced on the wall in order of publication year.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of October 2022 (planned)

※Application for participation in the lecture is until 17:00 on Wednesday, October 5th.

Photos of the theme exhibition in October


Dementia to live together (3rd floor exhibition corner)

September 21st is World Alzheimer's Day. In Hodogaya Ward, we support individuals and caregivers, promote local monitoring, and cooperate with medical and nursing care so that people can continue to live with peace of mind in a familiar area even if they have dementia.
The exhibition in September collected a variety of books on dementia. Why don't you take this opportunity to learn about dementia and think about it?

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of September 2022 (planned)

 ★(Co-sponsored) Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division★
 Link to Hodogaya Ward Elderly and Disabled Support Division's "Efforts to Support Dementia" webpage

Photos of the theme exhibition in September


Thinking about that war (3rd floor exhibition corner)

77 years since the end of the war in 1945. Since then, there are many people in the world who are suffering from war.
Here are some books that look at "that war" and "this war" and think about peace.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of August 2022 (planned)

Photographs of the theme exhibition in August


160 years after birth and 100 years after death Ougai Mori (3rd floor exhibition corner)

Reiwa 4 (2022) is the 160th anniversary of the birth of the great writer Ougai Mori (1862-1922), and the 100th anniversary of his death.
At the same time, we will collect and display materials that show Ougai's works and portraits.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of July 2022 (planned)

Photographs of the theme exhibition in July


Minato Yokohama (Exhibition Corner on the 3rd floor)

June 2 is the anniversary of the opening of the port. We will display local materials that allow you to know the history and culture of Yokohama, the opening of the port.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of June 2022 (planned)

Photographs of the theme exhibition in June


I won't lose to May's disease! (Exhibition corner on the 3rd floor)

Stress, tiredness, sleep, nutrition, light exercise, etc., at this time when fatigue in the new fiscal year is likely to occur.
We collect and display materials related to measures against May disease.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of May 2022 (planned)

Photos of the theme exhibition in May


Congratulations Taiga appearance Yoshimori Wada Shigetada Hatakeyama (3rd floor exhibition corner)

Yoshimori Wada, related to Wada-cho, Hodogaya-ku, and Shigetada Hatakeyama, related to Futamatagawa, Asahi-ku, and
We collect and display books about samurai and Kamakura shogunate of the same period.

<Exhibition Period> Until the end of April 2022 (planned)

Photographs of the theme exhibition in April

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