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Tsurumi Library mascot character "Tsurupon"

Last updated on July 4, 2024.

The name of the Tsurumi Library mascot character is "Tsurupon".

In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Tsurumi Library's opening in January 2010, we recruited the names of the mascot characters of Tsurumi Library in 2009. Out of more than 470 entries, we decided to use the name "Tsurupon", which means "hon" in "Tsurumi" so that you can get familiar with it.





"Let's make a vine,"

In 2018, a handicraft party called "Let's Make Tsurupon" was also held.
It was always an illustration, but I'm looking forward to it! It's three-dimensional!
The handicraft party was intended for the teens generation, but when the sample was displayed on the counter, not only children but also adults and other staff are cute! I want it! There was a series of voices.

Vines made with handicrafts
Handcrafted vine

Also, if you have the opportunity, we would like to expand the scope and implement it, but it can be easily made at home.
You can download the recipe from the PDF below, so please try to make your own "Tsurupon"!
The Tsurumi Library also has a lot of handicraft books.

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