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- Tsuzuki Library
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- Request for donation of books
The text is from here.
Request for donation of books
If you can cooperate in collecting materials, please bring it to Tsuzuki Library No. 8 and 9 General Information. The handling of the donated books is left to the library.
Last updated on October 31, 2024.
For those who want to donate books that have been read.
Please donate books that you have read or are no longer needed.
In particular, if you have the following books, please donate them to the library.
- Books within approximately 5 years after publication
- Books with many reservations
- Children's Books Popular with Children
Books with a lot of reservations are posted on "Books with many reservations" and "Books with many reservations now" on the online catalog page of Yokohama City Library.
Request for donation-Please check before donating-
Please refrain from donating the following materials.
Please confirm when you donate.
- Materials with broken, sunburn and dirt, writing, collection seals and signs.
- Encyclopedias, pictorial books, complete literature and complete art collections already held in City Library.
In addition, books donated may be placed in "Reuse Bunko". Thank you for your understanding.
Reuse Bunko
The Tsuzuki Library has a “Reuse Bunko” in the windbreak room at the entrance of the library.
You can provide books that are no longer needed to those who want to read them. Please fill in the number of books you brought to the file on the shelf.
Books placed on the shelf can be taken home freely. No procedure is required.
Please refrain from bringing in the following materials.
- Remarkably dirty or damaged
- The purpose of advertising for profit, promotion of political and religious activities
- Those that hinder the healthy development of young people
- In addition, thing which is inappropriate to open in Motoichi facility
- Pamphlets and flyers
For those who have books about Yokohama City and Kanagawa Prefecture
Yokohama City Library collects local materials related to Yokohama City and Kanagawa Prefecture.
If you have the following books or have been newly published, please donate them to the library.
- Local materials written about Yokohama City and Kanagawa Prefecture
- School history, company history, Neighborhood Associations history, commemorative magazine related to Yokohama City
For companies and organizations considering donating books
We are looking for donations from companies and organizations!
If you donate more than one new book from a company or organization, you can give a donation award.
If you would like to donate, please contact the Municipal Central Library Research Materials Division Donation Section.
- Phone: 045-262-7336
- E-mail: [email protected]
Inquiries to this page
Board of Education Secretariat Tsuzuki Library
Phone: 045-948-2424
Phone: 045-948-2424
Fax: 045-948-2432
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 919-228-229