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8 Guides for Application (Application) and Operation

Last updated on December 5, 2024.

In addition to the application documents for certification of establishment of NPOs that have offices only in Yokohama City and the method of preparing various notification documents and business reports to be submitted to Yokohama City after the establishment of the corporation, the certification (exceptional certification) NPO corporation system and designated NPO Information on how to create documents pertaining to the corporate system.

(1) Guide for application for certification of establishment of a non-profit organization

Information on the outline of the non-profit organization system, the format of the application for establishment certification, and examples of documents described. Please refer to here for the application for certification of NPO corporation.
"Guide to Application for Certification of Establishment of Non-Profit Organizations" (PDF: 2,753KB)

(2) Guide for Management and Operation of Non-Profit Organizations

Information on how to create various reports, business reports, etc. to be made after the establishment of a non-profit corporation. Please refer to here for the management and operation of NPO corporations.
"Guide to Management and Operation of Non-Profit Organizations" (PDF: 2,682KB)

(3) Guide for Certification Application and Operation of Non-Profit Organizations

Information on the outline of the certified NPO corporation system, documents related to the application for certification (special certification) or renewal of the validity period of certification, various reports to be made after certification or special certification, and how to prepare documents to be submitted. Please refer to this about administration after certification (exceptional certification) application, certification (exceptional certification).
"Guide to Certification Application and Management of Non-Profit Organizations" (PDF: 2,707KB)

(4) Guidance for designation application, operation, etc. of non-profit corporations

Information on the outline of the designated NPO corporation system, application documents for receiving the designation, and operation after designation. Please refer to here for designated proposals and operation after designation.
"Guidelines for Designation and Management of Non-Profit Organizations" (PDF: 2,190KB)

(5) Let's become a certified / designated NPO corporation-Certification / Designated NPO corporation system guidebook-

It is a guidebook on the outline of the certification / designated NPO corporation system, the benefits of receiving certification and designation, and obligations after receiving certification and designation.
"Certified / Designated NPO System Guidebook"

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