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Support for the operation of social movement groups

Last updated on November 14, 2024.

The social movement group management support course conducts lectures on organizational management, etc., regarding the ideas and skills necessary for the operation of the organization, inviting instructors who are familiar with the operation of social movement groups.


NPO Organizational Infrastructure Reinforcement Workshop

As a first step toward strengthening the organizational base, this workshop will find out that there are other issues that you have not noticed besides the issues of your own organization that you are thinking about, and will lead to the strengthening of the organizational base in the future.

NPO Organizational Infrastructure Reinforcement Workshop
Fiscal yearNumber of timesTotal number of participants
20222 times26 people
20212 times24 people
20202 times38 people


Fundraising course

This course is a hint for those who want to work on "fundraising" and "improvement of organizational management", those who have already started but do not know what to do, and who are hitting the wall.

Fundraising course
Fiscal yearNumber of timesTotal number of participants
20221 time32 people
20211 time29 people

No event was held due to COVID-19

No event
2019Cancellation due to COVID-19Cancellation due to COVID-19
20181 time41 people
20171 time37 people
20161 time31 people
20151 time22 people
20141 time38 people
20131 time42 people
20121 time34 people
20111 time15 people
2010No eventNo event

Inquiries to this page

Civic Affairs Bureau Regional Support Department Citizen Collaboration Promotion Section

Phone: 045-671-4734

Phone: 045-671-4734

Fax: 045-223-2032

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 794-753-222


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