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Area Barrier-Free Basic Concept around Ichigao Station

Last updated on June 19, 2024.

In Yokohama City, based on the Barrier-Free Law, barrier-free facilities for the district centering on Ichigao Station so that everyone, including the elderly, disabled, and those raising children, can move smoothly and use stations and facilities. We have formulated a basic concept to promote
In the future, each company will formulate a business plan based on the basic barrier-free concept, and will implement the project sequentially.

Press release document (March 28, 2016) (PDF: 790KB)

Download of the area barrier-free basic concept around Ichigao Station

About the area around Ichigao Station

The area around Ichigao Station is home to government facilities such as the Aoba Ward Office and Aoba police department, cultural facilities such as the public hall and Sports Centers, and welfare facilities such as community care plazas and welfare facilities such as welfare and health activities.

Details of the study

The barrier-free basic concept was examined by setting up the "Ichigao Station Area District Subcommittee" consisting of academics, citizens such as the elderly and the disabled, and related businesses and administrative organizations.

Chair: Professor Nobuaki Omori, Professor, Utsunomiya University

1st District Subcommittee [August 19, 2014]

We introduced the "Barrier-Free Law" and the "Barrier-Free Basic Concept" and exchanged opinions on the current situation in the area around Ichigao Station.

Recruitment of information about barrier-free [from October 10 to November 10, 2014]

We raised information about barrier-free in the area around Ichigao Station. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

The second district subcommittee (town walk inspection workshop) [December 15, 2014]

In addition to the members of the district subcommittee, we participated, actually checked the site and compiled the issues.

The 3rd District Subcommittee [July 3, 2015]

We arranged the results of the "Town Walk Inspection Workshop" and examined countermeasures for issues in the district.

The 4th District Subcommittee [December 8, 2015]

We coordinated with the company about countermeasures for issues in the district and proposed a basic design draft based on the results.

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