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Measures against damage to life

Last updated on March 5, 2025.

In recent years, the distance between our lives and wildlife has become shorter, causing problems such as noise caused by wild animals and invasion of houses. Be sure to take measures on a regular basis to know the characteristics of animals and avoid damage.
Regarding Yokohama City's measures against wild birds and beasts, the "Law Concerning the Protection and Management of Birds and Animals and the Proper Hunting (hereinafter referred to as the" Wildlife Protection and Management Law ") ”and“ Law Concerning the Prevention of Damage to Ecosystems by Specific Invasive Organisms ”. Specifically, please see "guidance of Yokohama-shi wild birds and beasts measures business" (PDF: 2,014KB).



Photo of a raccoon

  • Meat Raccoon Department
  • The place of origin is North America.
  • Head torso length (length from the tip of the head to the base of the tail) around 55 cm, tail length around 30 cm
  • There are 5 to 10 stripes on the tail.
  • In recent years, the number has increased mainly in the southern part of the city, and has spread throughout the city.

damage situation

Living in houses (attic, etc.), agricultural work damage, harm to pets such as goldfish, carp, turtle, etc., impact on ecosystems, etc.


Measures in Yokohama City
Based on the "Kanagawa Raccoon Control Implementation Plan", we are capturing with the goal of "reducing habitat distribution area" and "reducing population".
Please refer to the following "Targets for Countermeasures Projects" for damages that are subject to countermeasures.

About ingenuity that can be done to keep raccoons away

  • Block the gap that becomes the entrance. (Below the edge, ventilation opening, under eaves, door pocket, etc.)
  • Cut the branches that reach the roof and organize those placed in the garden.
  • Do not leave any fruits such as leftover pet food or leftover oysters.
  • A wire mesh is installed in the pond, and birdhouses are locked with strong wire mesh.
  • Eliminate the smell of the beast (body odor, urine). In some cases, the smell of wood vinegar and bleach was effective.
  • To drive out, smoke-free insecticide is fired.

Targets of countermeasures

If there is any of the following damage, it will be subject to countermeasures.

  • I lived in the ceiling of a wooden house. (There is a sound of animals walking around every night. There was a stain on the ceiling and something like urine dripping.)
  • Goldfish, carp, turtle, etc. kept in the garden were eaten.
  • I was able to eat vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers in the vegetable garden.

In the case of private housing

  • Issuance of a raccoon capture worker's card (up to one year: raccoon collection is performed by a specialized contractor contracted by the city). "Hakowana" is not currently available.
  • Establishment of "Hakowana" by specialized contractors and collection of raccoons (in principle, 2 weeks)

In the case of corporate facilities

  • We do not lend "Hakowana" to corporate facilities.
  • Issuance of a raccoon capture worker's card (up to one year: raccoon collection is performed by a specialized company contracted by the city.)  

In the following cases, they will not be eligible for countermeasures. The following measures may have a certain effect.

Appears in the garden (passing through)

It lives throughout the city, so it can appear anywhere. For the nocturnal, it is important to take measures especially at night.

  • Cats and dogs like food, so collect food outdoors at night.
  • Don't leave kitchen garbage at night.

The garden or the veranda

Because there is a habit of dung in the same place, it changes the place where dung is made.

  • Since the sense of smell is sharp, put chemicals with strong irritating odors such as bleach (chlorine: not directly sprayed), wood vinegar, and pepper extract in containers (plastic bottles, etc.) and install them around.

Animals enter the ceiling

Animals often enter wooden houses and can search for food and pass through as passages.

  • By asking a contractor, close the gaps that can be invaded with wire mesh etc.


  • If there is a damaged house, some people may be in trouble in the neighborhood. Working on measures in the area and the neighborhood, such as managing cats and thoroughly implementing rules for garbage disposal in the neighborhood, will reduce damage in the surrounding area.
  • If you have any problems living in the ceiling, etc., please tell us to consult with the Environmental Activities Business Division.



Photo of Hakubisin

  • Meat
  • The place of origin is Southeast Asia
  • Head torso length (length from the tip of the head to the base of the tail) around 60 cm, tail length around 40 cm
  • The body shape is elongated and the tail is long.
  • There is a white streaks from the nose to the forehead.
  • It lives throughout the city.

damage situation

Lives in houses (attics, etc.), crop damage (especially fruits), impact on ecosystems, etc.


Measures in Yokohama City
We capture hakuubishin, which inhabits houses and damages crops in the residential premises. For detailed information, see the following "object of the measures business".
Damage outside the premises, such as farmland, forests, and corporate management facilities, is not subject to the business of Yokohama City.
We obtain a wildlife capture permit and implement it based on the Wildlife Protection and Management Law.

Measures that can be taken to keep hakubushiin away

Targets of countermeasures

According to the Wildlife Protection and Management Law, capture is not possible just by being on the premises.
If there is any of the following damage, it will be subject to countermeasures.

  • I lived in the ceiling of a wooden house. (There is a sound of animals walking around every night. There is a stain on the ceiling, and things like urine hang down.)
  • I was able to eat fruits from the vegetable garden.

In the case of private housing

  • Issuance of a capture permit (up to one year: collection of hakuubishin is performed by a specialized contractor contracted by the city.) "Hakowana" is not currently available.
  • Installation of "Hakowana" by a specialized company and collection of hakubushiin (in principle, 2 weeks)

In the case of corporate facilities

  • Issuance of a capture permit (up to one year: Disposal of hakubushiin should be requested by a specialized contractor by yourself.)
If it is captured by yourself

Please fill in permission application such as capture of birds and beasts based on the Wildlife Protection Management Law (style downloading: style PDF (PDF: 111KB) / style Excel (Excel: 64KB)) and submit to environmental activity business section. (If you wish, we will send you the form by fax or mail.)
In addition, please consult JA Yokohama directly about agricultural damage of JA (agricultural cooperative) union members.

In the following cases, it is not eligible for the countermeasure business, but certain effects may be obtained by the following countermeasures.


Taiwan Squirrel (subspecies of Kurihara Squirrel)


Image of Taiwan Squirrel

  • Rodent squirrel family
  • The place of origin is Southern Taiwan
  • Head torso length (length from the tip of the head to the base of the tail) around 20 cm, tail length around 18 cm
  • In recent years, mainly in the southern part of the city, the number has suddenly increased (all squirrels that live in the city are Thai squirrels).

damage situation

Damage to crops such as fruit trees and vegetables that live in houses (door bags, etc.), bite trees and electric wires, and impact on ecosystems.


Measures in Yokohama City
Based on the "Kanagawa Prefecture Taiwan Squirrel Control Implementation Plan", we are capturing with the goal of "preventing distribution expansion".


Pruning trees, cutting undergrowth, etc., which serve as the route for the movement of Thai squirrels.

Targets of countermeasures

If there is any of the following damage, it will be subject to countermeasures.

  • I was able to live in the door pockets of my house. (Taiwan squirrel does not live in the ceiling.)
  • Fruit trees and vegetables in the vegetable garden were eaten.

In the case of private housing

  • Issuance of a Thai squirrel capture worker's card (up to one year: collection of Thai squirrels is performed by a specialized company contracted by the city). Please refer to environmental activity business section about stock of "hakowana" for rental.
  • Establishment of "Hakowana" by a specialized company and collection of Taiwan squirrels (in principle, one month)

In the case of corporate facilities

  • We do not lend to corporate facilities.
  • Issuance of a Thai squirrel capture worker's card (up to one year: collection of Thai squirrels is performed by a specialized company contracted by the city.)



Image of marsh tits
marsh tits

  • In Yokohama, there are two main types (50 to 56 centimeters in total length): marsh tits and Hashiboso glass.
  • They eat omnivorous and also eat kitchen garbage and build nests for breeding on street trees and towers from March to July.
  • After chicks nest (August to February), they live in groups in green spaces.

The crows do not attack people in groups.
If you come to a person, it is an action to protect the eggs and chicks of the nest, so do it in pairs. It is an action with considerable preparedness that the crow attacks a person larger than himself. Also, it is often misunderstood, but the movement of jumping with a beak while flying is not possible due to the structure of the body. When attacking, kick with your feet from behind your eyes.
If you know the ecology of the crow correctly, you will not be afraid.

damage situation

Increasing numbers, ruining garbage, noise, threat/aggression
Attention: Without a reason such as a chick, it basically does not attack a person.



Dog pigeons are wild pigeons that have been kept by humans and are increasing in various places.


  • They mainly eat plant-derived foods such as nuts.
  • I act in a flock.
  • The breeding season is one year, spawning several times a year (usually two spawning numbers).

damage situation

  • Stains caused by dung and feathers, odors, allergies, asthma, dermatitis caused by pigeons, troubles caused by feeding


  • In Yokohama, we do not get rid of pigeons.

  In order to reduce the damage and trouble caused by pigeons, it is necessary to take measures to keep them in touch.

  • Don't feed it.

  Feeding pigeons is a major factor that causes problems, artificially increasing numbers and gathering them in certain places.
  It is an important measure not to feed pigeons, so we ask for your cooperation.


  • It is effective to put tegus in a place where doves easily stop, or to install something like a plastic Mt. Tsurugi. It is effective to put a bird net on the veranda, etc. without gaps. (In addition, various countermeasure products are sold at home centers, etc.)
  • In order not to build a nest, it is important to clean and organize the veranda etc. regularly. If nesting has begun, remove it as soon as possible.

When capturing and disposing of eggs and chicks, permission such as the capture of the mayor of Yokohama based on the Wildlife Protection and Management Law is required.

  • A lot of pigeons gather is feeding. Feeding is not an act regulated by the Wildlife Protection and Management Law, so it is often impossible for the city to respond. Let's talk and stop with the local community so as not to bother others.

In the case of individual capture

Unnecessarily capture wild birds and beasts (including collection of bird eggs) is prohibited by the Wildlife Protection and Management Law. Even if self-defense is prevented, living damage and crop damage cannot be prevented, and if you want to capture wild birds and beasts by yourself, a capture permission from the mayor of Yokohama is required.

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