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Digestion gas power generation PFI business

Last updated on February 27, 2019.

 We will update the digestive gas power generation facilities that generate electricity using digestive gas generated during the process of treating sewage sludge.
 The design and construction of this equipment renewal and the maintenance and operation of the entire digestive gas power generation facilities have been established as a project based on the "Law Concerning the Promotion of Maintenance of Public Facilities by Utilizing Private Funds" (PFI Law). We announce it.
 Digestion gas is a gas that contains about 60% methane generated when anaerobic digestion (fermentation) sewage sludge, and has about half the heat of city gas.
 Promote efficient business by further effective use of digestive gas generated from sewage sludge, contributing to a recycling-oriented society in consideration of the global environment, and utilizing private funds, technologies, management know-how, etc. The purpose is to plan.
 Regarding this project, the negotiating right holders were unable to start the project due to the suspension of general competition participation and nomination suspension measures in Motoichi, but cost reduction utilizing the management know-how of private companies and efficient and effective As we confirmed that effective services could be expected, we revised the implementation policy for FY2016 and announced it again.
Materials such as schedules related to the first public offering
 Currently, the construction renewal work has been completed and is in operation.

Overview of Business

 Overview of the Business (PDF: 33KB)

Business schedule

September 4, 2007
Implementation policy (revised)
October 11, 2007
Answer to questions and opinions regarding the implementation policy (revised) (PDF: 215KB)
October 26, 2007
Selection of specific business (PDF: 157KB) Comparison table with the previous time (PDF: 187KB)
November 20, 2007
Application Guidelines, etc. (Partial revision on November 28, 2007)
December 20, 2007
Answer to the “First Questions to Application Guidelines, etc.”
January 16, 2008
Answer to "2nd Questions to Application Guidelines, etc."
March 4, 2008
Selection of preferred negotiating right holders
March 27, 2008
Conclusion of Basic Agreement
August 29, 2008
Business Contracts
February 27, 2009
Conclusion of direct agreements with banks
December 18, 2009
Full operation start
(Scheduled below)
March, 2030
End of business

Yokohama City PFI Business Review Committee

 The Yokohama City PFI Business Examination Committee, which is made up of academics, examines the contents of the business proposal, etc., and the city determines the priority negotiating right holder based on the best proposal selected by the examination committee. You.

PFI Business Review Committee (in alphabetical order, titles omitted)
Jury membersNameAffiliation and Position
ChairmanShuji MizoguchiDean, Graduate School of International Social Sciences, Yokohama National University
Committee membersYoko IkedaLawyer at Yamada Ikeda Law Office
Committee membersKohei OnishiProfessor, Department of Systems Design Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Keio University
Committee membersMichiko MatsushitaProfessor, Department of Contemporary Communication, Faculty of Human Environment, Kanto Gakuin University
Committee membersShigeru MiyaharaSenior Managing Director of the National Water and Sewage Consultants Association

 ※Minutes related to the first public offering

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