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Joint research with private companies

Last updated on February 27, 2025.

In Yokohama City, we combine advanced technologies and information possessed by private companies and public research institutions with the technical knowledge and facilities owned by Yokohama City to actively promote novelty research and technological development through collaboration between industry, academia, and government.

Type of joint research

Joint research is classified into three types according to the content and form.

Open call for participants type joint research (we are not currently open for participants.)

In order to utilize the advanced technologies and information of private companies, etc., regarding issues that need to be resolved at an early stage, Yokohama City solicits joint research, and Yokohama City and private companies conduct with reasonable responsibility and burden. Surveys, research and experiments conducted are called "public joint research."

Proposal-type joint research

Investigations, researches, experiments, etc. jointly conducted by Yokohama City and private companies are called "proposal joint research" in response to proposals for research using special technology from private companies etc. that match the administrative purpose of Yokohama City . The direct costs related to research will be borne by private companies.

Independent research

With the cooperation of Yokohama City, surveys, research, and experiments conducted voluntarily by private companies, etc. at the responsibility and burden of private companies, etc., with the cooperation of Yokohama City, such as using facilities and data owned by Yokohama City, are called "voluntary research." Says.

Outlines, applications, etc.


Application forms, etc.

For proposal-type joint research, please contact us individually at the contact information in "Inquiry to this page" below.

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Inquiries to this page

Management Promotion Section, Sewerage and Rivers Bureau Management Promotion Department (in charge of technology development)

Phone: 045-671-3967

Phone: 045-671-3967

Fax: 045-664-0571

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 113-728-013


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