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  6. About Yokohama-shi bicycle policy
  7. Results of surveys on illegally parked bicycles around railway stations in Yokohama city

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Results of surveys on illegally parked bicycles around railway stations in Yokohama city

Last updated on March 24, 2025.

About the actual situation of abandoned bicycles in Yokohama City

Every year, Yokohama City surveys the actual situation of illegally parked bicycles (including motorbikes and motorcycles) in front of the station.
The results of the survey conducted in November every year are as follows.

[Research on November 206] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 139 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 230KB)
[Research on November 205] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 138 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 231KB)
[Research on November 204] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 138 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 230KB)
[Research on November 203] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 138 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 232KB)
[Research on November 202] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 138 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 109KB)
[Survey of November 201] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 138 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 108KB)
[Nov. 2018 Survey] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 137 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 108KB)
[Nov. 2017 Survey] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 137 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 107KB)
[Survey in November 2016] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 137 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 107KB)
[Survey of November 2015] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 137 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 107KB)
[Survey of November 2014] About the actual situation such as abandoned bicycles around 137 stations in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 107KB)

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