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We accept consultations and suggestions.

We accept consultation, suggestion from people such as private companies based on "basic policy about public-private partnership in park" (developed in September, 2019) and examine and coordinate with related departments and proposers centrally.

Last updated on February 4, 2025.

Method of consultation and proposal

Please fill in the required items and send it to us using the entry form below.

※Since this is an entry form common to the co-creation front desk, please fill in "Consultation / Proposal to P x P" in the "Title of Consultation / Proposal" column.

Points to keep in mind when making proposals

It is deemed that you have acknowledged the "Notes on Proposals" attached below, so please be sure to check with the responsibility of the proposer.

Examples of contents of consultation and proposal

(Excerpt from the basic policy of public-private partnership in the park "Specific approach of public-private partnership")

Strengthening support for park protection associations (measure 2 initiatives)
Cooperation with daily activities of park protection associations by local private businesses, etc.
Development of open call for participants business (measure 3 initiatives)
Facility maintenance and events utilizing ideas from private businesses while ensuring public interest
Establishment of a place (platform) for information sharing and exchange of opinions (Efforts of Measures 4)
Seminars co-hosted with private business operators, etc.

Examination and adjustment procedure after application for consultation and proposal

P × P will contact the applicant, adjust the schedule of the dialogue (meeting), and ask for specific consultation and proposal details.

(The Policy Administration Bureau Co-Creation Promotion Division may also be present depending on the content.)


P×P will discuss with the relevant departments to realize the proposal.


If there is feasibility, P × P will coordinate with the business operator (applicant) to realize the proposal.

Examples of Proposals

Concluded a partnership agreement with the ward office to enhance the attractiveness of nearby parks in Asahi Ward (NPO Hama no Todai)

As part of our contribution to the local community, we received proposals for initiatives to connect Yokohama City with the aim of enhancing the attractiveness of the block parks in Asahi Ward, coordinated with the Asahi Ward Office to conclude a cooperative agreement on revitalizing local activities in block parks and promoting the use of parks.

Making flower beds in cooperation with local elementary schools and park protection associations (Resort Trust Co., Ltd. "The Kahara Hotel & Resort Yokohama")

As an initiative to contribute to the local community and SDGs, we received a proposal for a project to fill the city of Yokohama with flowers, coordinated with the park protection society and local elementary schools to plant flower seedlings in flower beds in Takashima Chuo Koen near the hotel.

Provision of social distancing awareness banners (Kotobuki Co., Ltd.)

We received an offer to provide a social distance awareness banner that contributes to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection, and after making adjustments for realization, we received donations and posted mainly in parks with large compound playground equipment.

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Inquiries to this page

Park Promotion Officer, Strategic Planning Division, Strategic Planning Division, Green Environment Bureau Strategy Planning Department

Phone: 045-671-3847

Phone: 045-671-3847

Fax: 045-550-4093

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 436-979-797


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