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Yokohama City Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Last updated on September 11, 2024.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Yokohama City (FY2022 (Reiwa 4))

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% in 2030 (compared to 2013), Yokohama City is promoting decarbonization initiatives with the four pillars of "initiative action of city halls", "decarbonization innovation", "change of citizen behavior", and "change of business behavior". We will announce the greenhouse gas emissions (preliminary figures) for FY2022.

Greenhouse gas emissions in Yokohama city area

Greenhouse gas emissions (preliminary figures) in Yokohama city area in FY2022 were 16.41 million t-CO2, a decrease of 4.3% compared to the previous year, and a decrease of 24% compared to the base year of FY2013, the lowest ever since FY2013.

Age change in greenhouse gas emissions in Yokohama city area

CO2 emissions by sector

About 98% of greenhouse gas emissions in Yokohama city area is carbon dioxide emissions. The following pie chart shows the breakdown by division of Yokohama city area and nationwide, and compared to the whole country, the proportion of Yokohama city area is larger in the household sector and energy conversion sector.

CO2 emissions by sector in Japan and Yokohama City

  • Greenhouse gas emissions are calculated based on the annual report of various statistics. For those for which the annual report has not been published, the annual report value of the previous year etc. is substituted, so the preliminary report value may differ from the confirmed value.
  • For more information, please see the following link. [Investigation Year: FY2023 (Reiwa 5)] Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption data by sector: Preliminary figures for 2022 (Reiwa 4) (1 (Excel: 36KB)) (2 (PDF: 789KB)))

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Decarbonization / GREEN × EXPO Promotion Bureau Decarbonization Planning Promotion Section

Phone: 045-671-4884

Phone: 045-671-4884

Fax: 045-663-5110

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