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Northern part of Futatsu Bridge
Last updated on December 18, 2023.
Current status of the district
In the northern part of Futatsu Bridge, a city planning decision for a land readjustment project was made in 1958 for an area of about 172 hectares (within the red dotted line shown below). After that, the "Seya Station North District Land Readjustment Project" was implemented in an area of about 8.9 hectares north of Seya Station, but in the process of more than 50 years, land readjustment projects were implemented in other areas. Urbanization has progressed without being implemented, and the situation in the district has changed significantly. .
Due to such changes in the district and changes in the socio-economic situation surrounding the city, it is difficult to advance the entire district as a land readjustment project. We will proceed with the examination of new town development methods according to the characteristics of the district without sticking to town development through the land readjustment project in line with the concept (PDF: 992KB) ".
Location map of the northern part of Futatsu Bridge
About building permission based on Town Planning and Zoning Act Article 53
When building a building in the area of the northern part of Futatsu Bridge, a building permit based on Article 53 of the City Planning Act is required.
This is the area where permission application for Article 53 of the City Planning Act is required. (PDF:3,572KB)
The City Planning Act Article 53 permission application style is here.
About the concept of certification of long-term excellent housing
Here is the area where long-term excellent housing is certified. (PDF:2,184KB)
The reasons why long-term excellent housing cannot be certified are as follows.
・According to the provisions of Article 53 of the City Planning Act (authorization of buildings), in the enforcement area of urban development projects, the construction of buildings is regulated for the purpose of ensuring smooth enforcement of future projects. .
・If you meet the requirements (PDF: 283KB) of the permission standard, "If relocation or removal is necessary for project implementation, please relocate or remove by that deadline." It is permitted with such conditions.
※Regarding the above relocation or removal, it is a necessary condition even if the timing of the urban redevelopment project is undecided, and it is contradictory that "the period of maintenance of houses after construction of conservation is 30 years or more" as stipulated in Article 6 (certification criteria, etc.) of the Act on Promotion of Popular Long-Term Housing.
[Reference] About certification of long-term excellent housing (Housing and Architecture Bureau page)
Business Overview
Peripheral areas such as the Mitsukyo Shimokusayanagi Line (C area)
Click here for an overview of the surrounding areas (C area) such as the Mitsukyo Shimokusayanagi Line.
Click here for the business outline of the first district land readjustment project (under business) along the roadside area such as the northern Mitsukyo Shimokusayanagi Line in Futatsu Bridge.
Seya Station North District Land Readjustment Project (Completion)
Enforcer | Yokohama-shi |
Enforced area | Approximately 8.9 hectares |
Effective period | Fiscal 1963-FY11 |
Operating expenses | Approx. 8.2 billion yen |
Number of right holders | 70 people |
City planning decision | March 13, 1958 |
Business plan decision | October 15, 1988 (changed on February 4, 2000) |
Landfill disposal | March 26, 2000 |
Reduction rate | About 23% |
Land Use Plan | About 26,600 square meters of public land Residential land approximately 62,700 square meters |
Facility plan | Transportation Square (approximately 3,500 square meters), Urban planning roads (Ring Route 4, Mitsukyo Shimokusayanagi Line) Divided streets, pedestrian-only roads, Park (approximately 3,000 square meters), Supply and treatment facilities |
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Page ID: 216-855-048