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- About "dialogue" (sounding survey) with private businesses for open recruitment of developers in Minato Mirai 21 district 60/61 Remaining block
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About "dialogue" (sounding survey) with private businesses for open recruitment of developers in Minato Mirai 21 district 60/61 Remaining block
Last updated on May 31, 2024.
In the area including the 60, 61, and 62 blocks of the Minato Mirai 21 district, in February 2015, "City planning centered on tourism and entertainment" was established as a policy for town planning, and since then, in accordance with this policy We are recruiting developers and promoting urban development.
This time, we conducted a “dialogue” (sounding survey) with private businesses in order to organize conditions for open recruitment of developers in the 60/61 remaining blocks.
Overview of the results of the sounding survey
We will publish a summary of the results of the sounding survey conducted between May 10 and May 19, Reiwa 4.
Outline of the purpose and implementation of the sounding survey ※For details, please refer to the guidelines.
Purpose of the Survey
Based on recent changes in the environment surrounding the real estate market, etc., we will provide a desirable way of land use in the block and for private businesses.
A survey was conducted with the aim of understanding the conditions for open recruitment and the feasibility of projects that are easier to enter.
Overview of Implementation
Date and time | From Tuesday, May 10, Reiwa 4 to Thursday, May 19 (about 30 minutes to 1 hour per group) |
[Place] | Meeting room in the city hall |
[Target persons] | A group of corporations or corporations that intend to become the implementing entity of the project |
Implementation guidelines, etc.
Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 1,556KB)
(Form 1) Entry Sheet (Excel: 29KB)
(Form 2) Preliminary hearing sheet (Excel: 25KB)
(Form 3) Question sheet (Excel: 11KB)
<Reference> Policy for Town Development
About Yokohama-shi central coastal area reproduction master plan
Urban Coastal Rehabilitation Master Plan
About Minato Mirai 21 district 60.61.62 block town planning policy
Minato Mirai 21 district 60, 61, 62 block town planning policy
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Urban Development Bureau Central Revitalization Promotion Department Minatomirai and Toshin Nagawa Coastal Promotion Division
Phone: 045-671-3516
Phone: 045-671-3516
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Page ID: 262-644-345