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A collection of town development examples to be promoted by everyone

Last updated on March 29, 2024.

We introduce unique examples and pioneering approaches of diversifying local town development, and introduce various town development with the aim of creating new activities and connections for citizens who feel issues in the area. You.

●View of Casebooks
①You can see the page of each case from the "Activity Name" in the table.
②Introductory videos and summary sentences are posted for each case.
 Activities are mainly categorized into “chance (problem discovery)”, “action (problem solving)”, and “vision (future prospects)”.
②More detailed activities are introduced in the casebook article (PDF version), so please take a look.

List of town development examples to be promoted by everyone
ThemeName of ActivitiesActivity groupsName of target ward

Town development of welfare    
Formation of Local Communities

A network where both residents and businesses can watch together.Care Circle Mima also Sueyoshi Tsurumi Ward

Disaster prevention town development
Creating Local Attractiveness

Connect people with the nickname of the roadNickname Project for My Town Rokukakubashi RoadKanagawa Ward
Disaster prevention town developmentConnect lives with people in the parkLiveable town, Hongocho 3-chome district meetingNaka Ward
Local transportation and revitalization of townsNatural connection Town development that continues to the futureThe Yamashita District Safety and Security Community Development CouncilMidori Ward

①First of all, let's take a look at the interview. (Click the video below)
②Click here for details of the activities. 2022_ Care Circle Mima-Mo Sueyoshi (PDF: 1,904KB)

[Links on each case]
Projects that commended this activity #Yokohama, People, Town, Design Award # Details of the awarded activities

①First of all, let's take a look at the interview. (Click the video below)
②Click here for details of the activities ▸ Community Development Casebook 2022_ My Town Rokukakubashi Road Nickname Project (PDF: 1,940KB)

[Links on each case]
Maintenance subsidy program that supported this activity (model implementation) # Support for the development of familiar facilities mainly by citizens

①Overview of Activities

[Chance] In densely populated wooden areas, there were issues related to disaster prevention, such as fires in the event of a disaster, collapse of houses, and many cliffs and concerns about the landslide. In addition, the block is a narrow road where minibus can finally enter, and it has many steep slopes. Due to these characteristics, there was no "park" on the flat ground, and there were not many safe places where children could gather and grow and play.

[Action] In cooperation with the government as an activity and concrete development of the reduce disaster damage, the Gas Mountain Park will be developed as "a place where people can temporarily evacuate in the event of a disaster" and "a place where children can gather and play." In addition, in order to improve disaster prevention measures, a “Kamado Bench” will be set up and a regional disaster prevention book (Yellow Book) will be created for each region.

[Vision] Through activities in the park, we aim to create a community where residents can help each other. We believe that this connection will allow you to quickly restore the town even in the event of a disaster.

②Click here for details of the activities. 2022_Livable town, Hongocho 3-chome district meeting (PDF: 1,831KB)

[Links on each case]
With town development vision #local town development plan that this activity group advocates #local town development plan "living town, Hongo-cho 3-chome district meeting disaster prevention town development plan"
Approach of non-combustible measures of town # Disaster prevention facility maintenance business assistance of imminent town

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Inquiries to this page

Urban Development Bureau Regional Town Development Department Regional Town Development Division

Phone: 045-671-2696

Phone: 045-671-2696

Fax: 045-663-8641

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Page ID: 553-515-631


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