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  5. [Yokohama Call Center] Customer satisfaction survey

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[Yokohama Call Center] Customer satisfaction survey

Last updated on March 3, 2025.

About conduct of Yokohama-shi call center customer satisfaction survey (the second in 2024)

At the Yokohama Call Center, we measure the fullness of the market in response to the operation of the call center and the response of operators, and use it to improve business operations.
This time, we conducted a customer satisfaction survey on the following schedule.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Survey period

From Wednesday, February 5, 2015 to the end of February


Customers who contacted the Yokohama Call Center (045-664-2525), the ward office representative telephone and the city hall representative telephone, and completed the answer at the call center.

Survey method

For customers who can cooperate with the customer satisfaction survey, call back from the call center and ask eight questions.


There is no charge for your telephone bill.
Phone number will not be used for any purpose other than this purpose and will be destroyed as soon as the survey is completed.

About result of Yokohama-shi call center customer satisfaction survey

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Yokohama City Citizen's Bureau Public Affairs Counseling Division Call Center

Phone: 045-671-2117

Phone: 045-671-2117

Fax: 045-663-3433

E-Mail address [email protected]

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