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  4. Garbage, recycling
  5. Beware of "unauthorized" waste collection companies!
  6. Points to note when asking a contractor to sort out relics and clean up the house

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Points to note when asking a contractor to sort out relics and clean up the house

-Let's ask a "general waste collection and transportation business licensed contractor" to transport waste.

Last updated on September 27, 2024.

If you pay the expenses and dispose of them.

●When you ask the relics sorting company to sort and clean up the relics, unusual items that usually require disposal are generated. When paying for it and disposing of it, be sure to make sure that the company that organizes the relics has a license for the "general waste collection and transportation business".
●If the relics contractor does not have a "general waste collection and transportation business" license, ask the "general waste collection and transportation business licenser" to dispose of the waste.
・Click here for a list of licensed waste collection and transportation companies.
●It is necessary to make a direct contract between the person who disposes of the waste and the "general waste collection and transportation business licensed contractor" (it is possible to delegate this contract to the relics contractor).

You can also ask a "general waste collection and transportation business licensed contractor"

●There is also a "general waste collection and transportation business licensed contractor" that organizes and cleans up relics, so you can request these companies to sort out relics and dispose of disused items together.
・Click here for a list of licensed waste collection and transportation companies.
●In addition, permission of secondhand dealer is necessary when purchasing household goods. Please ask the dealer for permission.

What happens if I ask a non-licensed company to dispose of disposable items?

●The disposal of disused goods by unauthorized contractors is a violation of the law.
●There have been reports of illegal dumping of waste collected by such unauthorized companies. In addition, there are cases where harmful substances such as CFCs and lead are released into the environment due to improper disposal, and fires caused by improper storage of garbage have occurred, which may lead to major problems. Be sure to follow the rules.
<Reference> (Ministry of the Environment website) (external site)

Separation is also required when asking a contractor.

●Be sure to separate your belongings in the same way as usual household garbage.
・Click here for how to divide and put out household garbage

Inquiries to this page

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Business Waste Management Section Administration Section Monitoring and Guidance

Phone: 045-671-4090

Phone: 045-671-4090

Fax: 045-663-0125

E-Mail address [email protected]

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