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Mercury measurement results in exhaust gas at waste incineration plants

In accordance with the mercury air emission regulations that began on April 1, 2018, we are measuring mercury in exhaust gas from waste incineration plants.

Last updated on December 5, 2024.

Measurement results

The measurement results for 3 years are posted. For more information, please see the following link.

Emission Standards

Emission Standards
Mercury Emission FacilitiesScale requirements for facilitiesEmission StandardsApplicable factories
Waste incinerators

Those that fall under any of the following
・Area of 2 square meters or more
・Incineration capacity is 200 kg or more per hour

New establishment: 30 μg/ cubic meter

(Not applicable)

Existing: 50 μg/ cubic meter

・Tsuzuki Plant
・Tsurumi Plant
・Asahi Plant
・Kanazawa Factory

●Article 3-3-8 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Air Pollution Control Law
●September 26, 2016 Ministry of the Environment Ordinance No. 22, Supplementary Schedule 1-8

How to check the measurement results

Based on the fact that the amount of watersilver emissions is affected by the amount of watersilver in raw materials and fuels, the regulations are set as regulations that capture the average amount of emissions during normal times. For this reason, unlike other major air pollutants under the Air Pollution Prevention Act, sudden excess of standard values does not violate emission standards.
If a concentration exceeding the emission standard is detected, re-measurement is performed promptly at least three times, and all measurement results, excluding the maximum and minimum values, out of a total of four or more measurement results including the first measurement results Evaluate based on the average of the measurement results.
In addition, if the first measurement result exceeds 1.5 times the emission standard, it will be carried out within 30 days after the first measurement result is obtained, and if it is less than 1.5 times, it will be performed within 60 days. It has been.
If the evaluation after re-measurement exceeds the emission standard value, it is required to contact the local government's Air Pollution Control Law department, investigate the cause, and take measures to prevent recurrence.
●Article 16-19 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Air Pollution Control Law
●About enforcement of laws to revise a part of the Air Pollution Control Law (No. 1609264 from the University of Marine Water, dated September 26, 2016)

Record of maintenance and management of waste incineration plants

In accordance with the provisions of Article 9-3, Paragraph 6 of the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law, garbage incineration plants publish information on the status of maintenance (measurement results of soot and smoke, etc.). You can see it from the incineration plant page (link).

Reference link

Inquiries to this page

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Proper Treatment Planning Department Facility Section (Maintenance of Incineration Plant)

Phone: 045-671-2518

Phone: 045-671-2518

Fax: 045-664-9490

E-Mail address [email protected]

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Policy Coordination Division, Policy Coordination Division, Policy Coordination Division

Phone: 045-671-4565

Phone: 045-671-4565

Fax: 045-550-4239

E-Mail address [email protected]

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