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Guide for Introduction of Reuse Tableware

Last updated on April 15, 2020.

The fun event is over…A large amount of garbage left behind. Have you ever wondered if you could manage to reduce this garbage?

With the aim of creating an earth-friendly event, the use of "reusable tableware" that can reliably reduce waste in disposable containers by repeatedly using them.
Reuse tableware project formed in March 2013 by members of the Yokohama R (Reduce) Committee (*) to expand it to all wards.
The team has created an introduction guide.

This guide is a collection of information necessary when considering the introduction of reused tableware at inhabitants' festivals and events.
In the future, when working with event organizers, such as the inhabitant of a ward festival, which has not yet introduced reused tableware, to introduce it.
I will use it.

By all means, please use this guide widely and consider introducing reused tableware at each event.

※Yokohama R (Reduce) Committee
In order to promote the reduction (reduce) of garbage itself, which consists of citizens, businesses, and the government,
It is a committee that provides support for the realization of initiatives. (It was abolished as of March 31, 2020.)

Guide for Introduction of Reuse Tableware

PDFWhole version (PDF: 7,430KB)
PDFCover, Table of Contents (PDF: 1,989KB)
PDFIntroduction…Let's reduce the garbage of the event! Reuse tableware recommendation (PDF: 1,185KB)

  • What is a reusable tableware?
  • Is it really eco-friendly?
  • What's your reputation?
  • Toward the introduction of reused tableware

PDF1.Let's imagine an overview of the introduction (PDF: 1,482KB)

  • Types of reused tableware
  • Borrow reusable tableware
  • How much does it cost?
  • What is the cost?

PDF2.Let's decide the operation method (PDF: 1,756KB)

  • Where to rent it and where to collect it
  • In addition, there is such a method.
  • PR to visitors
  • Examples of events that introduced reused tableware

PDF3.Let's decide the management system (PDF: 1,456KB)

  • Work content and division of roles

PDF(Reference) Reusable tableware Q & A (PDF: 1,525KB)

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