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Cleanup activity SNS "Thank you! "Yokohama Cleanup"

Last updated on December 17, 2018.

Cleanup activity Thank you for SNS! Yokohama Cleanup

Clean information

Thank you! Links to Yokohama Cleanup (outside site) (outside site) (Thank you!) Yokohama Cleanup external link)

Io and Mio are cleaning the garbage.

The city of Yokohama is supported by the daily activities of citizens.
It's kept clean.
I would like to express my gratitude for your activities and make it more meaningful.
A site that was created to become a target.
SNS "Thank you! "Yokohama Cleanup".

A city that has been cleaned up by clean-up activities and activities.
Or why don't you post photos of the garbage you picked up on SNS?

People who clean Yokohama connect with each other and give thanks
As a result, clean-up activities will become a major movement.

Thank you! The mechanism of Yokohama Cleanup

1.Cleanup activities by individuals, organizations, and companies
2.Report activities from smartphones, PCs, etc.
3.You will receive "Thank you" from the person who saw the post.

4.The circle of "Thank you" expands!

(The counter will appear on the website ♪)

Thank you! How to participate in Yokohama Cleanup

Individuals search for "Pirika" on their smartphone and install a free app!

Image of a smartphone that downloads Pirica

Posting procedure

Procedure to post the results of garbage collection using pirica (individual)

Companies and organizations say, "Thank you! Free registration from the Yokohama Cleanup website! (Smartphone and PC compatible) (outside site)

Participation procedure for Pirica (company/or organization)

Posting procedure

Procedure to post the results of garbage collection using pirica (company / organization)

Inquiries to this page

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Household Waste Management Department Beautification Promotion Section

Phone: 045-671-3817

Phone: 045-671-3817

Fax: 045-663-8199

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 532-306-547


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