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  7. To the establishment of veterinary hospitals in the target area: Cat sterile castration operation promotion business

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To the establishment of veterinary hospitals in the target area: Cat sterile castration operation promotion business

Last updated on April 11, 2024.

In order not to increase cats without owners, we are looking for animal hospitals that carry out cat sterilization.
If you open in Yokohama City and adjacent Kawasaki City, Yokosuka City, Zushi City, Kamakura City, Fujisawa City, Yamato City, Machida City, and can approve of this project, please register for a veterinary clinic.

About registration application

1 Registration conditions

When registering, you must agree to the following contents (please check the implementation guidelines below).
Understand the purpose and contents of 1 business enough, and when requested by citizens, explain the purpose and contents to citizens.
After carrying out 2 sterilization castration surgery, issue sterilization castration operation certificate of cat of Yokohama-shi designation style.
  (Please refer to the following “Cat Sterile Castration Surgery Implementation Certificate (Example)”)
3 After performing sterile castration surgery, issue a receipt stating the matters required for the sterile castration surgery promotion project for cats in Yokohama.
  (Please refer to the “Receipt (Example)” below.)
4 When performing sterile castration surgery for cats (cats without owners) pertaining to this project, carry out ear cuts to prevent re-operation.
5 When requested by the director of the Yokohama Animal Protection Center, present information such as medical records pertaining to sterilization and neutering and drug management books.

Implementation summary (PDF: 815KB) about infertility castration operation promotion business of Yokohama-shi cat

2 Inquiries and applications

It takes about 2 weeks from application to registration.
For details on how to apply, please contact the following in advance.

 Yokohama City Animal Protection Center
 75-4, Sugetacho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
 Phone: 045-471-2111

3 About precautions of sterilization castration operation promotion business of cat

1 Surgery Implementation Certificate
  seal in the veterinarian column is not required. (In the case of correction, correction is made by double line.)
2 Receipt
  Even if there is a correction, the correction mark is not required. (In the case of correction, correction is made by double line.)

※There are documents that require seal as before, such as the application form stated by the applicant. Please be careful when you visit us.
※Correction fluids are not available. Be sure to correct it with a double line.

4 Example of registration application form and receipt (download)

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Inquiries to this page

Animal Protection Center, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Department

Phone: 045-471-2111

Phone: 045-471-2111

Fax: 045-471-2133

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 674-951-288


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