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Removal of centralized meter reading equipment

Last updated on March 1, 2024.

Removal of unnecessary centralized meter reading equipment

The centralized meter reading device, which becomes unnecessary because the meter reading method changes to the display value of the water meter installed in each house to read directly by the meter reader, will be removed at Water Works Bureau to avoid unexpected accidents if left unattended.
Regarding the removal of the centralized meter reading equipment, Water Works Bureau will contact the building manager at a later date, and will be implemented after adjusting the schedule.
In addition, due to this construction, we will not cause any inconvenience (water outage, etc.) to customers using water supply.
In connection with this construction, there is no request for money, etc. or sales of equipment.

Example of construction status

Standard construction details for removal of centralized meter reading equipment

  1. Cutting and processing power cables for centralized meter reading equipment
  2. Removal of the board and box body of the centralized meter reading device
  3. Repair of the box removal mark of the centralized meter reading device (installation of acrylic board, etc.)
  4. Removal of cables and terminal boxes in the meter room of each house
    ※Cables wired in the wall of the building will be kept.

For inquiries regarding water supply, please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center.

Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center

Phone: 045-847-6262 Fax: 045-848-4281
※Please be careful not to make a mistake.

Inquiries to this page

Water Works Bureau Water Supply Service Department Water Supply Maintenance Division

Phone: 045-671-3069

Phone: 045-671-3069

Fax: 045-212-1167

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 572-206-567


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