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Mechanism of water charges

Last updated on October 16, 2024.

Fee structure

In Yokohama City, we have adopted an increasing rate structure by caliber.
The increasing rate system by caliber is a fee system in which a basic fee is different depending on the caliber of the meter, and the unit price increases as the amount of water used increases based on the idea that daily water used is low. You.

Application category

General use

Used for purposes other than public baths

For public baths

Used for public bath, which is subject to the control amount of bathing fees designated by the Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture pursuant to Article 4 of the Price Control Ordinance (Edict No. 118 of 1946)

Basic charge

A basic fee will be charged for each caliber (see price list).
Please contact the Sewerage and Rivers Bureau website or the Sewerage and Rivers Bureau Accounting Division, TEL045-671-2826 for details on sewerage usage fees, such as when water does not flow to public sewer pipes, certification for weight loss, and use of wells.

Water rate table

Water rate table (2 months, excluding tax)

Application and
Meter caliber


Pay-as-you-go fee (per 1m3)



General use



1,680 yen

4 yen

48 yen

177 yen

253 yen

301 yen

327 yen

358 yen

413 yen



1,690 yen


1,700 yen


20,300 yen

25 yen

329 yen

364 yen

419 yen

463 yen


21,000 yen

20 yen


21,800 yen

15 yen


24,000 yen

10 yen


60,000 yen

30 yen


84,000 yen

20 yen


104,000 yen

10 yen

For public baths1,700 yen4 yen42 yen

Applicable as of July 1, 2021
*The billed amount is the calculated amount x 1.1 (rounded down to the nearest 1 yen).

Sewerage fee calculation table

Sewerage fee calculation table (for 2 months)
Sewage classificationWater level (m3)1㎥Calculation formula
General sewage
(for housework and business use)
Treatment area0~161,260 yen (basic amount)
17~2020 yen20 yen x water volume +940 yen
21~40118 yen118 yen x water volume -1,020 yen
41~60173 yen173 yen x water volume -3,220 yen
61~100234 yen234 yen x water volume -6,880 yen
101~200264 yen264 yen x water volume -9,880 yen
201~400299 yen299 yen x water volume -16,880 yen
401~1,000341 yen341 yen x water volume -33,680 yen
1,001~2,000389 yen389 yen x water volume -81,680 yen
2,001~4,000416 yen416 yen x water volume -135,680 yen
4,001 or more472 yen472 yen x water volume -359,680 yen
Bathhouse sewage
(for public bath)
Treatment area11 yen11 yen x amount of water

Effective April 1, 2001
*+ (plus) and - (minus) of the formula are the cumulative difference in unit price for each water level.
*The billed amount is the amount calculated in the calculation table x 1.1 (rounded down to the nearest 1 yen).

Water rate simple calculation tool

You can calculate water charges with a simple calculation tool.
"Simple Water Charge Calculation Tool" (outside site)
※This is a calculation tool dedicated to the fee structure by caliber.

Quick reference table for water and sewerage usage fees

How to calculate the fee for starting or stopping use

Since the special calculation is applied to the caliber of 13mm to 25mm, the basic fee is calculated in units of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 months. In addition, since the caliber of 40mm or more is not subject to special calculation, the caliber of 40mm or more will be calculated in 1.0 or 2.0 months. The calculation of the pay-as-you-go fee is calculated in units of 1.0 months.
※However, about the sewerage fee, it is calculated in 0.5 months and 1.5 months.

Water rate table (1 month, excluding tax)

Application and
Meter caliber


Pay-as-you-go fee (per 1m3)
General use



840 yen

4 yen

48 yen

177 yen

253 yen

301 yen

327 yen

358 yen

413 yen



845 yen


850 yen


10,150 yen

25 yen

329 yen

364 yen

419 yen

463 yen


10,500 yen

20 yen


10,900 yen

15 yen


12,000 yen

10 yen


30,000 yen

30 yen


42,000 yen

20 yen


52,000 yen

10 yen

For public baths850 yen4 yen42 yen

Applicable as of July 1, 2021
*The billed amount is the calculated amount x 1.1 (rounded down to the nearest 1 yen).

Sewerage fee calculation table (for one month)
Sewage classificationWater level (m3)1㎥Calculation formula
General sewage
(for housework and business use)
Treatment area0~8630 yen (basic amount)
9~1020 yen20 yen x water volume + 470 yen
11~20118 yen118 yen x water volume -510 yen
21~30173 yen173 yen x water volume -1,610 yen
31~50234 yen234 yen x water volume -3,440 yen
51~100264 yen264 yen x water volume -4,940 yen
101~200299 yen299 yen x water volume -8,440 yen
201~500341 yen341 yen x water volume -16,840 yen
501~1,000389 yen389 yen x water volume -40,840 yen
1,001~2,000416 yen416 yen x water volume -67,840 yen
2,001 or more472 yen472 yen x water volume -179,840 yen
Bathhouse sewage
(for public bath)
Treatment area11 yen11 yen x amount of water

Effective April 1, 2001
*+ (plus) and - (minus) of the formula are the cumulative difference in unit price for each water level.
*The billed amount is the amount calculated in the calculation table x 1.1 (rounded down to the nearest 1 yen).

If the usage period is less than one month

The fee when the number of days of use is less than 15 days is obtained by multiplying the sum of one-half of the basic fee listed in the table for one month according to the meter diameter and the metered fee by 1.1.1 If there is a fraction less than 1 yen, this will be rounded down.
If the number of days of use is between 16 days and 30 days, the period of use is considered as one month.
However, if the caliber is 40mm or more, even if the usage period is less than one month, it will be calculated as a monthly fee.

If the usage period is less than 2 months

When the number of days of use is 31 days to 45 days, the fee is 1.1 multiplied by the sum of three-half of the amount of the basic fee listed in the table of one month according to the meter diameter and the metered fee. If there is a fraction less than 1 yen, it will be rounded down.
If the number of days of use is between 46 days and 60 days, the fee is calculated assuming the period of use as 2 months.
However, if the caliber is 40mm or more, even if it is less than the two-month usage period, it will be calculated as a two-month fee.

When the usage period exceeds 2 months

If the usage period exceeds 2 months

Normally, the meter reading period is two months, but if the use start period exceeds two months, the fee is the amount obtained from the same day two months before the meter reading date as the temporary meter reading date (deemed meter reading date) (The amount obtained by multiplying the amount obtained by multiplying by 1.1 by the sum of the amount obtained from the deemed meter reading date to the start date of use (the amount of time). However, if there is a fraction less than 1 yen, this will be rounded down.

Water rate reduction / reduction system

Individual welfare reduction and exemption system

If the following family members come, there is a system to reduce or exempt the basic charge of water and sewerage usage fees upon request.

  1. Physical disability (Grade 1 or 2)
  2. Intellectual disability (Intelligence Index 35 or less)
  3. Single-parent households, etc. medical expenses subsidized households
  4. Households receiving special Child Raising Allowance
  5. Mental disorder (Grade 1)
  6. Duplicate disability (Persons who fall under two or more of physical disability grade 3, intelligence index 75 or less, mental disorder grade 2) This includes cases where two people meet the requirements.
  7. Insured persons under the Nursing Care Insurance Law need nursing care 4 or 5
  8. Single-parent households receiving welfare
  • ※Please note that becomes out of a reduction of taxes object in the case of the entrance to facilities with three months or more reduction of taxes eligible people.

For more information, please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center or the ward office Health and Welfare Center.
※Due to the revision of the fee, the reduction of taxes equivalent to the basic water volume (8m3 per month) has been abolished.


Application system for basic units (charges)

  • If one meter is used for general living in two or more households, this system calculates the water rate for each household as well as apartment houses at the request of the customer.
  • The calculation method is based on the amount of water used divided by the number of households, and the amount obtained by multiplying the total amount by the consumption tax equivalent is the water charge.
  • If the diameter of the water meter is 20 mm or more, calculate at a rate of 20 mm in diameter.


Water Works Bureau will send you a complete set of required documents, so please return the application form and a copy of each household's resident certificate or a certificate of entry on the resident certificate (within three months from the issuance of the head of the household, not copying your personal number) in a reply envelope sent from Water Works Bureau. Please note that copies of resident certificate with no name of the head of the household, no relationship, and personal number (My Number) cannot be accepted.
For more information, please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center.
※The department in charge (045-337-0473) may contact you to confirm the contents of the application form.

Calculation example (Sewerage fee is the same calculation method.)

1.When using 70m3 (diameter 20mm) in 2 households for 2 months
(1) If the system is not applied, the fee will be 14,911 yen and will be calculated as follows.
  If you apply to the water rate calculation table (for 2 months) and calculate it,
  (301 yen x 70m3 (water consumption)-7,514 yen) x 1.1 = 14,911 yen.
  (rounded down to less than 1 yen)
(2) If the system is applied, the fee will be 10,122 yen and will be calculated as follows.
 A. First, the amount of water used is divided by the number of households.
  70m3 / 2 households = 35m3/ Households
 B. Apply the amount of water obtained in a to the water rate calculation table (for two months) and calculate it.
  {(177 yen x 35m3 (water consumption)-1,594 yen) x 2 households} x 1.1 = 10,122 yen.
  (rounded down to less than 1 yen)
2.When using 28m3 (diameter 20mm) for 2 months in 2 households
(1) If the system is not applied, the fee will be 3,698 yen and will be calculated as follows.
  If you apply to the water rate calculation table (for 2 months) and calculate it,
  (177 yen x 28m3 (water consumption)-1,594 yen) x 1.1 = 3,698 yen.
  (rounded down to less than 1 yen)
(2) If applied, the fee will be 3,841 yen and will be calculated as follows.
 A. First, the amount of water used is divided by the number of households.
  28m3 / 2 households = 14m3/ Households
 B. Apply the amount of water obtained in a to the water rate calculation table (for two months) and calculate it.
 {(4 yen x 14m3 (water consumption) + 1,690 yen) x 2 households} x 1.1 = 3,841 yen. (rounded down to less than 1 yen)
3.When using 440m3 (diameter 20mm) for 2 months in 10 households
(1) If the system is not applied, the fee will be 155,326 yen and will be calculated as follows.
  If you apply to the water rate calculation table (for 2 months) and calculate it,
  (358 yen x 440m3 (water consumption)-16,314 yen) x 1.1 = 155,326 yen.
  (rounded down to less than 1 yen)
(2) If the system is applied, the fee will be 71,478 yen and will be calculated as follows.
 A. First, the amount of water used is divided by the number of households.
  440m3 / 10 households = 44m3/ Households
 B. Apply the amount of water obtained in a to the water rate calculation table (for two months) and calculate it.
  {(253 yen x 44m3 (water consumption)-4,634 yen) x 10 households} x 1.1 = 71,478 yen.
  (rounded down to less than 1 yen)

Application of basic number of welfare facilities

If the use falls under any of the following items among welfare facilities, the basic number of units can be applied to the home part by application.

  1. Facilities for conducting dementia-response elderly cohabitation support projects prescribed in Article 5-2, Paragraph 6 of the Elderly Welfare Act (Act No. 133 of 1963)
  2. Light-paying nursing homes stipulated in Article 20-6 of the Elderly Welfare Law
  3. Paid nursing homes stipulated in Article 29 of the Welfare Law for the Elderly
  4. Facilities for providing cohabitation support prescribed in Article 5, Paragraph 17 of the Act for Comprehensive Support of Daily and Social Life of Disabled Persons
  5. Yokohama-shi person with a disability group home setting operation summary (facilities corresponding to Article 3 second to fifth of the director's approval on August 1, 1985)

Related links

For inquiries regarding water supply, please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center.

Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center

Phone: 045-847-6262 Fax: 045-848-4281
※Please be careful not to make a mistake.

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Inquiries to this page

Water Works Bureau Water Supply Service Department Service Promotion Section (Telephone and fax numbers below are from Customer Service Center)

Phone: 045-847-6262

Phone: 045-847-6262

Fax: 045-848-4281

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