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History of "Hamako Doshi The Water"

Introducing the history from the birth of 2003 to the year 2022!

Last updated on April 26, 2024.

History of "Hamako Doshi The Water"

History of "Hamako Doshi The Water"
Year and Year Major Events
October, 2003

・The birth of "Hamako"
・Started using a portion of proceeds to fund the activities of volunteers to maintain the Doshi Water Source Forest.

common kingfisher bottle

Hamako's ripple bottle

June, 2004 ・Added English notation to labels from the viewpoint of city sales
April, 2005

・Started sales of 2-liter bottles
・Be certified as Yokohama 001 Goods

2L (first generation)

May, 2005 ・Started sales at vending machines
October, 2005

・Renewal of label
・Started sales at some Seven-Eleven stores

Hamako Doshi Bottle (3rd generation)

2006 ・Started donating to "Hometown of Water and Michishi Hajime Morikin" from a part of the proceeds

May, 2007

・Launched the 150th anniversary label of Yokohama Port
・The official water declaration of Yokohama City

150th anniversary of the opening of the port.

July, 2007 ・Provision 6,912 bottles to affected areas after the Niigata Chuetsu-oki Earthquake
November, 2007 ・Started sales of 280ml bottles

280ml bottle (150th anniversary of the opening of the port)

March, 2008

・Sales of FOR Africa Campaign Bottles for the 4th Africa Conference on African Development (3 months from March 20)
・Part of the proceeds was donated to Africa through the United Nations World Food Programme and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (hereinafter, support for Africa has started).


June, 2008 ・Provision of 11,520 bottles to affected areas after the Sichuan Earthquake (China)
September, 2008 ・Total sales volume will reach 5 million units
March, 2009 ・Sales volume in a single fiscal year will reach 2.34 million units.
May, 2009 ・Use eco-friendly biomass plastic in the 500ml label.
December, 2009

・Name changed to "Hamako Doshi The Water"
・Renewed the design of logos and labels  

The Water

October, 2010

・Used for PR of the city at Haneda Airport Internationalization Event
・Manufactures original bottles of Bridgestone Co., Ltd., a participating company in the Water Source Eco Project W-eco-p (Wi-Cop)

Eco-peer bottle

November, 2010 ・Supporting APEC Yokohama (carbon offset of 616t-CO2 generated by the conference using a portion of the proceeds)
March, 2011 ・Provision of 23,040 bottles to Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture in affected areas, Great East Japan Earthquake
September, 2011

・Great East Japan Earthquake's donation donated 1.07 million yen from a portion of proceeds to the Japanese Red Cross Society.
・Suspension of production and sales of 280ml due to lower demand

January, 2012 ・As a campaign to promote disaster prevention stockpiling, a limited quantity of "9 liters per person" was sold out, and 5,500 boxes were sold out in one month.

9-liter set box per person

9-liter set per person

May, 2012 ・Additional sales of 3,000 boxes of "9 liters per person"
October, 2012

・Manufacture of TICADV support bottles for the 5th Tokyo Conference on African Development (June 2013).
・“Yokohama FOR Africa” campaign (until the end of June 2013)

TICADV bottle

June, 2013

・Used in all proceedings of the 5th African Development Conference
・Donation of 848,088 yen from a portion of proceeds to JICA to support Africa
・Partial renewal of the 500ml label (We decided to continue supporting Africa using a portion of the proceeds after the 5th African Development Conference, adding FOR AFRICA to design)

July, 2013

・Located in the refrigerator on a cruise of Japan's largest passenger ship, Asuka II, and promote water sources in cooperation with Asuka II.
“Hamako Doshi The Water” is loaded into “Asuka II” (tvk Communications YouTube Channel) (outside site)

January, 2014 ・We have organized several manufacturing purposes to promote the importance of water source conservation.
March, 2014 ・Used at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) venues
April, 2014 ・Water Source Eco Project W-eco-p Manufacturing original bottles of GT Association Co., Ltd., a participating company.

GT bottle

September, 2014 ・Providing 23,040 bottles to affected areas in landslide, Hiroshima City
July, 2015 ・Manufacture of collaboration bottle "Shibaguchi Konomi no Delicious Water" with Yokohama Seaside Line Co., Ltd.

Delicious water of Shibaguchi

September, 2015 ・Provision of 23,040 bottles to affected areas after the flood disaster in Joso City
January, 2016

・Abolition of sales acceptance and delivery at the Regional Service Center (current water supply office)
・Manufacture of Super Mission bottle with City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau

Super mission bottle

April, 2016 ・Completion of 500ml biomass plastic labels
June, 2016 ・Manufacture of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank (held in Yokohama) Bottles

ADB bottle

July, 2016 ・Manufacture of collaboration bottles with Yokohama Red Brick Co., Ltd.

Red brick bottle

September, 2016 ・Provided 21,744 bottles to affected areas caused by the typhoon flood in Iwaizumi-cho, Iwate Prefecture
September, 2017 ・Manufactures Pink Ribbon Bottle, a collaboration bottle aimed at conveying the importance of early detection and treatment of breast cancer with Pink Ribbon Kanagawa.

Pink ribbon bottle

January, 2018 ・Production of Hokuseisen Bottle, a collaboration bottle between Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd. and City of Yokohama, Road and Highway Bureau

A bottle

March, 2018 ・End of production of 2L bottles
June, 2018 ・Manufacture of TICAD7 bottles in conjunction with the 7th Tokyo Conference on African Development (August 2019).

TICAD7 Bottles

September, 2019 ・Provision of 9,048 bottles to affected areas on Typhoon No. 15 in Boso peninsula, Chiba Prefecture
November, 2019 ・Started online order acceptance using the electronic application system of Yokohama City (end in March 2022)
May, 2020 ・Providing 12,240 bottles to City University Hospital with the support of COVID-19 infection Accommodants
December, 2021

・Determination of the project due to environmental problems, etc.
・Final production

August, 2022

・"Hamako Doshi The Water" sales end
・In 20 years, we sold about 23 million units. Thank you very much for your patronage.

For inquiries regarding water supply, please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center.

Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center

Phone: 045-847-6262 Fax: 045-848-4281
※Please be careful not to make a mistake.

Inquiries to this page

Public Relations Division, Water Works Bureau Business Promotion Department

Phone: 045-671-3084

Phone: 045-671-3084

Fax: 045-212-1169

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