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About modern water supply foundation anniversary

Last updated on November 1, 2024.

What is a modern water supply? (I would like to introduce the history of Yokohama Water Supply)

"Yokohama" was the first modern water supply in Japan!

Japan's modern water supply was first established in Yokohama on October 17, 1887 (Meiji 20) under the guidance of British engineer Henry Spencer Palmer.
"Modern water supply" is a water supply that filters (filtrates) water taken from rivers and supplies it with pressure using iron pipes, etc., and is the same as the water supply system we use today. Thing.

City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau's Initiatives

In commemoration of the establishment of modern waterworks, City of Yokohama, Water Works Bureau is promoting public relations on October 17 as the anniversary of the establishment of modern waterworks so that many people can learn about the history of Yokohama waterworks.

Initiatives in FY2024

Initiatives in FY2023

Initiatives in FY2022

Initiatives in FY2021

Initiatives in FY2020

Initiatives in FY2019

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