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Menu of ward


Last updated date: 2024/9/24

The text is from here.

Education and education

Child care and education in Yokohama

On the page below, you can see things like pregnancy, childbirth, Check ups for Infants and Toddlers, children's Vaccinations, child care, and school life.
 ⇒ Give a child
Education Counseling (children's school life, consultation on going to school, guidance on going to high school, etc.)
 ⇒ Sodan, Nihongo Kyoshitsu (Kyoiku no Sodan)

Child care in Naka Ward

Outing Spot Map (Support Map)

A map that shows information on facilities (outing spots) that are useful for raising children in Naka Ward at a glance. )
For the event (Ibento), please check the facility (Shisetsu) or web page (Ubupuji). When participating, if you have any questions, please ask the facility where you will be holding the event. .
In the service that reads the public relations paper (Kohoshi), "Catalog Pocket", machines (Kikai) are translated into words (words) of other countries (Kuni). You can read the last page in 10 types of words (words).
⇒  Naka Ward Outing Spot Map

Naka Ward Park Map (Nakakaku Koen Map)

Introducing the park in Naka Ward. There are foreign languages (English (English), Chinese (Chugokugo), Hangul (Hangguru)) (at the end of the page (Page) below).
 ⇒  Naka Ward Park Map (Nakakaku Koen Map)

News and event information (Ibentojoho)

Select information from articles in the public relations paper (Kohoshi), etc., and translate it into easy Japanese (Nihongo) and words (language) from other countries (Kuni). ) And introduce it.
 ⇒  News, Ibento

Creating a place for young people (people)

Rainbow Space

At the International Exchange Lounge, the Nijiiro Expedition (Tankentai), a collection of young people (people) who are connected to foreign countries, is a place for young people (people) who are on the line. Talk to your friends about their thoughts and worries, and participate in local events (Ibento). We are creating a place where you can be like yourself.
⇒ Naka International Lounge (Kokusai Koryuranji) (where young people are located (Ibasho) "Rainbow Space") (outside site)

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