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  4. Pay attention to "here" in the budget proposal! -Budget City Counsil's Focus

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Pay attention to "here" in the budget proposal! -Budget City Counsil's Focus

Last updated on February 17, 2025.

The first regular meeting of the City Counsil, called Budget City Counsil, decides how to use money to carry out various projects and measures related to the lives of citizens.
In order to let many people know about the relationship between the City Counsil and the budget, we produce videos that explain the flow of budget deliberations in City Counsil in an easy-to-understand manner and videos that convey Yokohama's approach to the new fiscal year budget plan.

City Counsil and Budget

City Counsil and Budget ~ Until the Yokohama City Budget is decided~

This video provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the flow of budget deliberations in City Counsil, such as what the budget is and how the budget will be decided in City Counsil.
After watching this video, if you look at the video of the concept of the new fiscal year budget, it will be easier to understand.
City Counsil and Budget ~ Until the Yokohama City Budget is decided ~ (outside site)

Points that can be evaluated in the new fiscal year budget proposal

Measures to be expanded in the new fiscal year budget proposal

PR video

Video distribution

Videos produced in the past can be viewed on the official YouTube channel of Yokohama City.

Videos produced in the past
Year of productionVideo titleViewing time

Pay attention to "here" in the Yokohama City Council budget proposal! -Focus of Budget City Counsil - (outside site)
※Link to the Liberal Democratic Party's video. Please see the link in the summary column for other themes and videos of other denominations.

Pay attention to the "here" of the budget proposal! : Approximately 23 minutes in total


Yokohama City Council Budget City Counsil's focus (outside site)
※Reference: “City Counsil and Budget” (PDF: 1,561KB)

Approximately 23 minutes in total


Yokohama City Council Budget City Counsil's focus (outside site)
※Please see the link in the summary column for videos for each theme.

About 30 minutes in total

2021Yokohama City Council Roundtable: Budget City Counsil's focus-(outside site)60 minutes
2020Yokohama City Council Roundtable: Budget City Counsil's focus-(outside site)60 minutes

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