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  5. Investigation committee on the state of the assembly building for the development of the new city hall

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Investigation committee on the state of the assembly building for the development of the new city hall

Last updated on March 14, 2019.

The Investigation Committee on the State of the Assembly Building for the Development of the New City Hall was established in June 2012 as an advisory body of the Chair to proceed with the investigation and examination of the Assembly Building Maintenance for the Maintenance of the New City Hall. .

The matters to be consulted by the Chair are as follows:
(1) Basic approach to building a parliament building
(2) Scale
(3) Approach of Offices
(4) Other necessary items

(You can see the chairperson's consultation statement, setting summary, committee list, report sentence below.)

Chairman's Advisory Statement

June 11, 2012 Advisory text (PDF: 273KB)

 Date of report to the ChairItemsContents
November 15, 2012The way of the assembly building for new city hall maintenance (PDF: 421KB)About basic way of thinking, form, way of thinking of various rooms, assumed scale about assembly building

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