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  5. Parliamentary Investigation Committee

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Parliamentary Investigation Committee

Last updated on March 13, 2019.

The Yokohama City Council Parliamentary Investigation Committee was established in May 2004 to conduct a medium- to long-term investigation and examination from a medium- to long-term perspective on how the Committee should be and how the Parliamentary Examination should be conducted to further revitalize Parliamentary activities and respond to the entrustment of citizens to Parliament.
The Investigation Committee is composed of 10 members elected from all negotiating parties, and was surveyed and reviewed over two years and seven months from June 2004 to December 2006, and a total of 12 reports were made. Was.
(You can see the chairperson's consultation statement, setting summary, committee list, report from the following.)

 To the City Counsil Steering Committee
Date of report
September 10, 2004The way of assembly examination after designated manager system shift (1) (PDF: 141KB)About business execution report pertaining to designated management in financial statements examination
November 1, 2004Planning for Internet broadcast implementation and the way of assembly operation accompanying this (1) (PDF: 153KB)Meetings and implementation dates for Internet broadcasts
January 28, 2005Formation of Standing Committee (1) (PDF: 149KB)Reorganization of the Standing Committee based on the reorganization of the Bureau in 2005
April 7, 2005Planning for Internet broadcast implementation and the way of assembly operation accompanying it (2) (PDF: 157KB)About the broadcast image of the plenary session and the Special Committee on Budget and Settlement and the display contents of the telop
May 12, 2005How the Special Committee should be (PDF: 158KB)Review and Restructuring of Special Committees
September 13, 2005Planning for Internet broadcast implementation and the way of assembly operation accompanying it (3) (PDF: 257KB)About the broadcasting method of Internet broadcasting and coordination with other public relations means
December 6, 2005Effective and easy-to-understand manner of television broadcasting of the plenary session following the Internet broadcast (1) (PDF: 147KB)About the composition and time allocation of television broadcasting of the plenary session
January 20, 2006Formation of Standing Committee (2) (PDF: 167KB)Reorganization of Standing Committees Based on the Reorganization of Bureaus in FY2006
April 28, 2006Effective and easy-to-understand plenary sessions accompanying Internet broadcasts (2) (PDF: 206KB)Reorganization of “City Counsil Broadcasting” program into “Yokohama City Council Digest” and secondary use of broadcast programs.
10September 12, 2006Committee Hearing (PDF: 285KB)About trial of general hearing in examination by budget, financial statements special committee bureau
11September 12, 2006Member of the Diet fixed number (PDF: 267KB)About section difference and proportional allocation of population and total number of members
12December 7, 2006IT utilization (PDF: 252KB) such as materials such as bills and information provision in the assemblyPromotion of councils close to citizens using IT, utilization of information, prompt and reliable communication, and effective and efficient meeting management

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