- Yokohama-shi Top Page
- About Yokohama-shi website
- Basic Concept of Site
The text is from here.
Basic Concept of Site
Last updated on December 6, 2023.
About domain name (URL) that Yokohama-shi transmits information
Yokohama City uses the official domain name of Yokohama City ("city.yokohama.lg.jp" or "city.yokohama.jp") to disseminate information using the Internet.
Of these, this website (https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/) displayed at the following URL is called "Yokohama City Website", and other websites are "Yokohama City Subsite ".
Example of official domain name of Yokohama City
- Yokohama City Website https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/
- Yokohama bid door http://keiyaku.city.yokohama.lg.jp/epco/keiyaku/ (outside site)
- Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System https://shinsei.city.yokohama.lg.jp/cu/141003/ea/residents/portal/home (outside site)
In addition to these, there is also a Yokohama-shi related site that provides city services such as facilities.
- Website of Yokohama-shi facility operated by designated manager (websites such as district centers and parks)
- Accounts listed in the Yokohama Social Media List
Related links
Please be careful about fake websites of Yokohama City website.
Rules for posting links
When linking to this site, the URL is as follows. No report to Yokohama City is required.
In addition, as for the details, please see link standard of Yokohama-shi Internet information receiving dispatch guidelines detailed regulations 2 WEB page.
Concept of Copyright
The copyright of this site is owned by Yokohama City in principle. Each information such as texts, photographs, illustrations, etc. posted and each page are copyrighted works subject to the protection of the Copyright Act, and the entire site is also subject to copyright as edited works. I am.
Unless permitted by copyright law, such as duplication or citation for private use, reproduction or diversion without permission is prohibited.
If you wish to quote, divert, reprint, etc. beyond the scope permitted under the Copyright Act, please consult directly with the contact information listed at the bottom of each page.
When it is specified on the page as data that can be used secondaryly
There is data that shows a Creative Commons license on each page and clearly states that it can be used secondaryly.
These data is deemed to have been licensed by Yokohama City to the user in advance, and can be used without contacting or confirming the department in charge again.
What is a Creative Commons license (external site)?
Yokohama City has posted the information with great care regarding the accuracy of the information described on this site, but does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of this information.
Yokohama City does not assume any responsibility for any actions that users may take using the information on this site.
We are not responsible for any third-party sites that link to this site or to this site.
Please note that the contents of this site may be changed or deleted without notice.
Inquiries to this page
Public Relations Section, Policy Administration Bureau City Promotion Promotion Office
Phone: 045-671-2349
Phone: 045-671-2349
Fax: 045-661-2351
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 819-940-205