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  1. Yokohama-shi Top Page
  2. About Yokohama-shi website
  3. Please be careful about fake websites of Yokohama City website.

Last updated on April 2, 2024.

The text is from here.

Please be careful about fake websites of Yokohama City website.

Currently, fake sites impersonating the Yokohama City website have been confirmed.
Attacks that abuse fake sites have not been confirmed, but please note that there is a possibility that attacks that illegally steal personal information etc. using the fake site and their damage may occur in the future. .
When using the Yokohama City website, be sure to check the address (URL) displayed in the address field of the browser. The address (URL) of the Yokohama City website is as follows.

Address (URL) of Yokohama City Website

How to check the address field of the browser

Please make sure that the address (URL) of the Yokohama City website ( is displayed in the address field of your browser.
Depending on the browser or smartphone you are using, the address (URL) https://www. It may be displayed in the following window.

About the official domain name used in Yokohama City

Domain refers to "Address" on the Internet.
Yokohama City uses the official domain name of Yokohama City ("" or "") to disseminate information using the Internet.

Precautions when using the website

At this time, we cannot confirm the fact that the Yokohama City website has been tampered with illegally, but when using, be sure to check the domain name by placing a pointer on the link, carefully looking at the address column, etc.
In addition, the end character of the domain name of the Yokohama City website is ".jp", which is a Japanese domain name, but if you feel suspicious, such as the end character of a country you are not familiar with, use another method such as search Please check the address (URL) of the real site. If you are suspicious, please do not access it easily or click on links or images on the page.

Inquiries to this page

Public Relations Section, Policy Administration Bureau City Promotion Promotion Office

Phone: 045-671-2349

Phone: 045-671-2349

Fax: 045-661-2351

E-Mail address

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Page ID: 625-248-768


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