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Last updated on November 30, 2023.

The text is from here.

2023 (Rewa 5) JIS X 8341-3 Test Results

Based on Clause 8 of "JIS X 8341-3: 2016", the results of the test are published on this page.

Date of statement

November 30, 2023 (Reiwa 5)

Standard number and year of revision of standard

JIS X 8341-3:2016

Conformance level

Conformance level AA compliance

Target webpage

Yokohama City Official Website ( page under the guidance)
However, the following web pages are not eligible.

  1. Document files such as PDF, Excel, Word, etc.
  2. Pages containing audio and video content
  3. Pages provided by external services such as Google Maps and social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
  4. Image file of banner ad
  5. Pages that use technologies other than html, css, and JavaScript Other websites operated by Yokohama City, and websites of Yokohama City facilities operated by designated managers, formulate web accessibility policies for each. And respond accordingly.

List of dependent web content technologies

  • HTML
  • css
  • JavaScript

How to select the web page to be tested

A total of 40 pages have been selected, including 15 web pages representing a set of web pages and 25 pages by random sampling.
In the non-random method, the contents of "2.2 d) When selecting a web page representing a set of web pages and a randomly selected web page" in "JIS X 8341-3: 2016 Examination Guideline" Selected based on

URI of the web page where the test was conducted

URI list of pages on which the test was conducted

Achievement Criteria Checklist

List of achievement criteria checklists

Test Period

From November 1, 2023 (Reiwa 5) to November 8, 2023 (Reiwa 5)

List of achievement criteria that meet the level above the conformance level (AA) shown.

  • 2.1.3: Without exception for keyboard operation (AAA)
  • 2.3.2: Achievement Criteria for Three Spinning Lights (AAA)
  • 2.4.8: Achievement Criteria for Current Position (AAA)

The notation "compliance" in the test results is based on the notation defined in the JIS X 8341-3: 2016 Compliance Notation Guidelines for Web Content April 2021 Edition of the Web Accessibility Infrastructure Committee of the Information and Communications Access Council (URI: (external site)).

Reference link

JIS X 8341-3: 2016 Compliance Notation Guidelines for Web Content (External Site)

Inquiries to this page

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Phone: 045-671-2349

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